Want That Kind of Relationship


Ive been an Alice fan for over 7 years. Today I went to
get some books at a library and I found Alice in Charge. I thought i had
finished them all and read them over and over again. You could not even believe
the excitment I felt. Your Alice books completly inspire me. I’m in 9 grade and
recently Ive been expirimenting with boys a little too much. But seeing how much
Patrick and Alice care for each other makes me want to wait and have that kind
of relationship. So thanks for all of the days I’ve spent curling up with these
books on a rainy day and continuing to inspire me. Can’t wait to read the next
Alice book!    Forever a fan


Phyllis replied:

I’m so glad you found the latest book.   I love hearing from readers who have read them all.

Posted on: September 4, 2010


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