Want to be a Writer


I am thirteen years old, and I’ve been reading the alice books since fifth grade.
when I read about alice, I can feel like we’re connected somehow. she just reminds me so much of myself in many ways!!
I feel as though I AM alice, and that everything that is happening to her, is really happening to me too. alice has taught me many things, and makes me wish that she was real. even though she is a fictional character, she’s one of my best friends, along with pamela, and elizabeth.
I love to write too, my desk is filled with journals that I”ve filled with stories of my own, and several diaries are hidden safely under my mattress (shhh!!! don’t tell anyone!!!!) and I’m constantly typing up new stories on my typewriter.
I think that ever since I was in third or second grade I’ve wanted to be a writer, and you are one of my favorites, and a good inspiration too. YOU ROCK!!!


Phyllis replied:


The fact that you write so much, simply for your own pleasure, probably means that you will indeed become a writer, either part or full time.  Best of luck!

Posted on: August 26, 2009


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