Want to be an Author, Too


My class is working on a project where we write a letter/send an e-mail to our favorite author.  I’m in fifth grade and I go to Sandy Spring Friends School .  I want to be an author just like you someday, I read that you have a notebook of ideas for your next story ( I have my story ideas in my head) and I also have things that I never imagined would happen in my stories too. I also want to be an actress. I like dance, jazz and modern, and horse back riding. I would like to be in a camera club just like Alice is in Simply Alice, because I really like cameras. I live in Rockville, Maryland. I read that you live in Bethesda, that’s were my mom works, she has even driven past your road.

  I like the Shiloh books but I really love your Alice books. I have read Alice Alone, Alice In-Between,   The Agony of Alice, Outrageously Alice, The Grooming of Alice, Patiently Alice, Lovingly Alice, Simply Alice, Alice in April, Starting with Alice, Alice in Blunderland, Reluctantly Alice, Alice in Rapture, Sort of. I just checked out Achingly Alice.  I don’t always read them in order because with books like Alice you don’t have to. I mostly liked the books with Rosalind, Sara, Meghan, Dawn, Jody, and Donald Sheavers. I was so sad when Sara had to move to her grandmas. Did you plan on that happening or did it just happen? On the cover for Starting With Alice her cat, Oatmeal is so cute. When you thought of Donald Sheaver’s dog Muffin, what did you want him to look like? I liked that Muffin and Oatmeal were friends. I have two cats named Buttercup and Candy (we rescued them from the shelter) and Candy would be like a mother to a puppy.
I was really surprised when Alice, Pamela, and Elizabeth saw Donald Sheavers at the mall. I think that it’s funny that he always does Tarzan yells whenever he sees Alice. Pamela and Elizabeth always have a crush on people Alice knows, like Lester and Donald Sheavers.
I can’t believe Lester was dating his philosophy professor. I wonder what it’s like to have a brother in college. Do you have any siblings? I like that Lester will take Alice out on her birthday, when they saved Crystal Harkins, and the time the actress who was playing the role of the drunk bridesmaid was dancing with Lester, and Alice poured her 7 UP down her dress. I like it how Lester has a different girlfriend in  practically every book, like Lisa, Crystal, Marilyn, Lauren, and others. I like that she can connect with most of Lester’s girlfriends and wants them to be her sister-in-law. I really liked when Lauren had Lester arrested for breaking and entering, and Alice, Pamela, and Elizabeth saved him from jail because I like that Alice cares enough about her brother that she would be brave enough to take a taxi alone with her friends to save him.
 I can always imagine Alice from what you say about her in the books. I also imagine her house, school, friends, and family (except Aunt Sally for some reason) from the movie Alice Upside Down. Some of my favorite characters in Alice’s family are Carol and Aunt Sally. Who is your favorite author? Do you like music? I wish I could meet you in person, especially scince we live close to each other.
Phyllis replied:
Acutally, I live in Gaithersburg now, but I appreciated your letter. You have obviously read a great many Alice books, and I’m very happy that you enjoy them so much.  Some of the scenes you mention are the ones I like the best too. 
Posted on: October 8, 2010


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