Was Judd made up?


My fourth grade class just got done reading Shiloh! I really liked the part when David Howard
helped Marty clean up the bloody pen where Shiloh got attacked. Also I liked the end when Judd gave Marty a colar. I also thought it was funny when Marty lied to Dara Lyn about there being a snake so she wouldn’t go up the hill.Also was Judd a real person or is he made Up?

Phyllis replied:

I just made Judd up, and would like to hope that there aren’t many people like Judd.  He was mistreated himself when he was growing up.  Some people, when they were mistreated as children, turn out to be mean to other people, to experience being the one doing the harm instead of the one being hurt.   Other people who were mistreated, grow up wanting  to be just the opposite of the person who abused them.    I’m glad there are such people.

Posted on: January 2, 2020


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