We’re Not Alone

I just wanted to write to you to say that Alice McKinley makes everything better no matter how bad it is. there’s always some comfort in reading a book with a character going through situations that are so real and you can relate to. I haven’t been able to put these books down since I first started reading them in 7th grade; now I’m a freshman in college and just got broken up with for somebody else. I’m reading Alice Alone right now and the way you described Alice and Patrick’s break up was so realistic and I started crying all over again as I turned the pages. all I really want to say is thank you for writing books that help girls get through struggles in life that make you grow as a person, and to know that the alone feeling is a lie. thank you so much.
Phyllis replied:
And thank you so much for your letter.  This was sort of a down day for me, too, and your email was a little ray of sunshine.  I’m so glad the book helped.
Posted on: November 7, 2010


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