Were you in any clubs?


So we know Alice was in a lot of clubs when she was in school such as the earring club and the school newspaper and she even signed up to be a camp counselor. Were you in any clubs when you were in school?

Phyllis replied:

No, but I think I would have loved to write for the newspaper.  I didn’t think I was good enough for that, though I wrote little monologues and read them aloud in speech class.  I loved (and still love) to sing, and was accepted into the acapella choir, and also the madrigals.  I also played Anne in our senior play, “Cheaper by the Dozen.”  (and was chosen Senior Class Poet on “Ivy Day.” )  I attended a huge high school (1000 in each level) and close to graduation, we put on our robes and marched around the two blocks of the school, then planted ivy to grow up the side, and I had to read a poem for the occasion, and it was dreadful.  At least I thought so.  I hope it was never published anywhere.

Posted on: May 5, 2021


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