What are her Plans Concerning College?


I am a rising freshman at the University of Maryland (Go Terps!). I have always been a book reader, and I started reading your Alice books in the fourth grade. Since then, I have bought every book on the day it has come out, and have devoured every one. I’ve grown up with Alice. When my family moved from Massachusetts to big, scary, Maryland in the sixth grade, the only thing that could console me was the fact that Alice lived in Silver Spring. If she was happy in Maryland, that meant that I could be too.
Now, I know you said that you had the last book written, and I may have no place asking this, but I was wondering what your plans for Alice were concerning college? It would be a GREAT pleasure to see her admitted to Maryland. But, it would make it seem like Alice and I were full circle together.
Now, like I said, Alice is your creation, and I would feel horrible suggesting something that you were not comfortable with.
Thank you for your consideration!

Phyllis replied:


Big, scary Maryland?  Wow!  But I felt the same way when we moved from Indiana to Illinois when I was entering seventh grade.  The decision about what Alice does after high school graduation has already been decided, but like most things in her future, I’ll keep it secret.

Posted on: August 16, 2009


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