What I Should Do….


ok so my friend is mean to my other friend she says mean things to her like get away from me and stuff like that and then she goes and says can you buy me this and she does…. and one day i asked her why she does buy her things even though she is really mean to her and she said because i don’t want to hurt her feelings so i was wondering if i should say something to my friends or what i should do because it annoyes me and idk what i should do please help!!!!!!!!

Phyllis replied:


You’re in a position to help here, so do it!  Ask you “mean” friend, “Why do you treat X like that, and then ask her to buy something for you?  What makes you act this way?”  You could also try this approach:  “You’re too nice a person most of the time to be treating X the way you do.  What’s going on?”  As for the friend who keeps buying her stuff, it’s sad.  Remind her that she can’t buy friendship, and give her some special time of your own.

Posted on: December 29, 2009


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