What Keeps You Motivated?


wow i cant believe i’m e-mailing you ! you are so amazing you give out your msn for fans like me! you right amazing stories! i don’t like some books and coming from me that’s saying a LOT because i love to read ! Espasially your books! iI some times try to right a book (im only under 13) but eventually i stop . How do you keep going ? what keeps you moivated? You are my number 1 book hero . well i have to go so ill talk to you later . Bye , your number 1 fan .

Phyllis replied:

Thank you very much.  I guess the only answer to your questions is that I love to make up stories.  I love to think of a plot, and the characters that will act it out.  Perhaps it’s because my parents read aloud to us every night until we were well into our teens.  I guess I figured that if listening to stories was so much fun, writing them must be even better.

Posted on: July 14, 2009


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