What Motivates You?

I’ve already told you how much I love the Alice series, and I figured I would probably love your other storied too. I looked up your books on Amazon and the book Jade Green really interested me b/c I love ghost stories. The problem was, I couldn’t find any of your books other than Alice at the library or bookstores (don’t ask me why, I thought everyone who reads has heard of you =) ). Eventually I found Jade Green, Sang Spell, and Blizzards Wake at an Edward McKay’s bookstore. Well, I read Jade Green first and it was SO good. At first I wasn’t sure if I would like it because of old fashioned way of speaking that the characters have, but it didn’t make a difference. It was a GREAT book. Now I’m reading Sang Spell. I’m still close to the beginning, but it’s just as captivating as everything else you’ve written that I’ve read. You are such an inspiration. I’ve always wanted to be a writer, but I hadn’t really been pursuing it. I suppose I haven’t been motivated enough. But then I started reading your books and it got me going again. I still don’t write as often as I should, but I do have 2 jobs and I’m tired a lot. I know I have to get serious about writing sooner or later because that’s what I want to do with my life. What motivates you to write when you’re tired and you just don’t feel like doing anything?
Phyllis replied:
If you are working two jobs, I wonder that you have strength for anything else.  I guess I’m motivated because when a good story is churning inside of me, it’s like a rock in my shoe;  I just can’t wait to get it out.  I enjoy what I’m doing, even when it’s hard.  The only caution I will give you is to make sure you want to write, not just that you want to be a writer.  You must really be in love with the process itself.  And if this is true for you, I imagine you will eventually find the time to do it, or adjust your schedule in a way that allows you a little time each day to see what you can do.  Best of luck!

Posted on: May 6, 2010


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