What order do I read them?


Hi! I love your books and have just finished outrageously Alice and saw that there are Alice collections as well the books. Should I read the collections including; I like him, he likes her, in between somewhere of the books or do they come after? Thanks so much and I’m so glad you wrote these books!

Phyllis replied:

I like him, he likes her  is a boxed set of the three books  of Alice’s freshman year in high school, beginning with Alice Alone.  (fall semester, spring semester, and summer).   It’s not like I planned it this way are the three books of her sophomore year; Please don’t be true, junior year, and You and me and the space between, her senior year.   Now I’ll tell you everything takes her from age 18 to 60.  All of these books came out originally in hardback, then paperback.


Posted on: June 21, 2017


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