What Should I Do?


i have a huge problem. there is this acting/singing
company called john and rober powers. in it u can go
get an audition and if they like u u get in. if u get in u
get a personal trainer and they put u in commercials
and movies/tv shows. u probobly wont know who this
 is because she stars on a kids program but there is an
actor named brenda song and she is very famous and
that was because she was in that program. she was a
graduate. i wanted to audition sooooooooooo bad
 because people tell me im good at singing an acting
but my mother wont let me. she says she thinks that
 kids shouldnt work soo she said an abosolout no.
 this makes me feel horrible because i really wanted
to do it and my friend tried it and she got in. i am
 soooooooo upset what should i do?

Phyllis replied:


Listen to your mom.  I don’t  know anything about this

company, but if they provide a personal trainer and get

you into commercials and movies, then a person needs

a LOT of talent to get in and/or there is a big fee for

entering the program.  If you are really, really good at

singing and acting, then try out for plays and musicals

at your school and work your way up.  You mom is right;

being a professional singer and actress is work.


Posted on: November 22, 2009


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