What Would Alice Do?



Whenevr I read an Alice book, its like a movie in my head. I can make different voices in my head for each character, and I already have the McKinley’s house set up in my mind. Its so cool! I hope someday, Alice and Patrick get engaged, or alice does something real wild, like go really far with a boy. Whenever I myself am in a diffucult situation, i think, “What would Alice do if she was real?” I always think that, because she has been through soo much. To me, she is like a good, good friend who I can depend on. Sometimes I get choked up because its just a series and the characherts aren’t real. I really love your writing, you, alice, patrick, and lester!!!:)

 Phyllis replied:
Well, Alice doesn’t always choose the wisest thing, but she gives it a try.  Sometimes when we’re faced with a decision, we make the best choice we can at the moment, and only later discover it should have been something else.  Other times, we choose something we know is riskier, and then we have to be prepared for however it turns out.
Posted on: September 26, 2009


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