What’s Wrong With Me?

Before I pour out my troubles that I’m very sorry to have you to answer all of them,I would just like to say how much I am so grateful for those Alice books you’ve wrote and without them, I will be really bored and left with nothing to do.So it’s all thanks to you,Phyllis!THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Okay,here is my trouble.I am new in an International school,and so far I am getting along well with my friends.But since I am new,my form tutor asked 2 classmates to guide me through the school as I am new and there will be loads of shock I will find in the school which I will have to take time to sink in to.Anyway,these 2 classmates are best friends together eventually,and Classmate A is very nice and hardworking,and we got along well.But Classmate B is really ..you know…unbelievably horrible to me.
The fact that she is very horrible to me is that because she finds that she felt jealous and she is always looking down on me because I am very pretty and beautiful(everybody says so and I am trying not to boast),adding on that I am very tough since I come from a school which makes its pupils strong,tough and hardworking,and the teachers always like me because I am hardworking and keen to learn,plus I am more poorer that her .As I said so,she was really really jealous of me,but she always look down on me too.Every time,she insult me for being poor or something else,I usually ignore and forget about it by brushing off or match her mood like”Yeah,I know,it sucks to be poor”.And this made her even more unsatisfied and angry .So as each day went by,she spreaded rumours and horrible facts about me and everybody thinks that I am absolutely poor and cheap by now.I feel so sad,but when I try to make peace by talking to her,she just shoots me an evil look and walk away.She also filps her hair like a model(it’s so dirty,she never washes it),paint her fingernails and try to act cool and flirty.She even mentioned to me that she and my other friends are throwing a surpirse b’day party for Classmate A and how good is it to be without me because I am an idiot.What should I do?I don’t even know what is wrong with me!
Phyllis replied:
Other than starting out on the wrong foot, you mean?  Seems to me as though there’s an attitude problem on both sides.  I doubt that she has said outright that she is jealous of you, but the fact that you see her that way (with dirty hair, no less), and see yourself as beautiful, tough, strong, hardworking, and a favorite of teachers is bound to show in what you say and do, whether you think so or not.  This girl may also see you as a threat who might become between her and her best friend.  Things have probably gone on too long for them to resolve themselves on their own.  You need to swallow your pride a bit and humble yourself enough to say to girl B, at a time you have a few minutes to talk, “Look.  I think that you and I started out on the wrong foot when I first came here, and I’d really like to make peace with you.  Do you think we could bury the hatchet and start over?”   Be calm and sincere.  She’ll probably go huffing away, but the fact that you have apologized and extended the peace flag will at least stick in her head.  Continue to be polite to her, as though any minute you expect her to change and are willing to wait.  When she says something nasty, say, “Why did you say that?”  If nothing else, it will force her to reexamine her own motives.  Good luck.

Posted on: November 21, 2009


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