Question:  We are in a Blogger Bookclub at the Harris Library in Granger, IN.  We are all in 4th and 5th grade.  We just finished reading The Boys Start the War and really enjoyed it.  One of us liked it so much she already started reading the second book.  What is your favorite part of the book?  We liked when the girls made the boys believe that Caroline was dead.  It was really funny!  Where did you get the idea for this series?  Who is your favorite kid in the series?  We liked Wally and Caroline.  Did you design the cover of the book?  Did you play any jokes on anyone for April Fool’s Day?
Phyllis replied:
I didn’t play any April Fool’s joke this year, but I still remember the year I told my husband that his car was rolling backwards down the driveway, and he almost spilled his cereal leaping out of his chair.
I’m glad you’re enjoying the Boys/versus/girls books, and hope you’ll read all twelve of the books.  I particularly loved writing the parts for Wally and Caroline, but I also loved little Peter.  Buckman is really Buckhannon, West Virginia, where my husband grew up and went to college.  I always wanted to place some books there.
Posted on: April 3, 2009


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