Where Will You Be Speaking?


I recently moved to Washington, D.C. where my fiance will be
completing grad school, and being that a new Alice book is due to come
out soon, I wondered if you will be making any public appearances (and
by this I mean for a book talk or book signing, not simply to the
grocery store!) anytime soon. Since I’ve been an avid Alice fan for
the past ten years, it would be wonderful to finally see you in
person! 🙂 I know that your web site states that all appearances will
be posted there, but I also noticed that the Note from Phyllis had not
been updated for some time, so thought it might be best to contact you

Phyllis replied:


I know, things have been very hectic here recently and I’ve not kept up with posting where I’ll be speaking.  I’ll be in Tulsa in August, but the next local talk will be at our church on Sunday, June 27th at 10.  During the summer, lay people take over the services, and can talk about whatever they like.  I agreed to give a short talk on how I “change skins” with my characters when I write a book, and I think a soloist will sing “I’ve Got You Under my Skin.”  Junior high kids are supposed to dress up as favorite characters from my books and be the ushers.  As you can tell, our summer services are very lightweight.  This program will be at 10 AM, June 27th, at Cedar Lane Unitarian/Universalist Church, at  9601 Cedar Lane in Bethesda, Maryland.

Posted on: May 26, 2010


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