Will Pass Them Down to My Daughter




I have been reading the Alice books (starting with Agony of Alice) since I was a awkward 7th grader, I am now 23 and still find the Alice books such a great comfort. One of my oldest Alice books is a copy of Alice-in Between with yellowed pages and the cover falling off and believe it or not I still pick it up from time to time. I just wanted to thank you so much for writing these books I think they have something every girl can relate to, if I ever have a daughter I will pass these books down to her- that’s how much they mean to me. I can’t wait until 2013 when the last book comes out, it will be very bittersweet to see it end. I have no questions for you but just a simple thank you for writing the books that have grown up with me :).


Phyllis replied:


You’ve made my day.  Thanks so much for your email!

Posted on: June 19, 2011


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