Will we ever get to read more about Patricia and Tyler’s children, as a modern-day sequel?


I am 13 years old and have read the entire alice series, and am so thankful that you have wrote this series. I was a big fan of it back in 4th grade and recently finished the last book, Now I’ll tell you everything. I was so happy to see, when I checked the website, that you are still replying to comments. Reading Alice’s stories was like escaping into a whole new world, for me. although it was a generation before my time, many of the topics in the series are still very important right now. Reading the book provided guidance of how I presumed teenagers word as a kid. Well, I am still a kid now and am still learning, ofcourse, but am all the wiser and more confident of myself, thanks to reading Alice. You did not shy away from any topics, and it was the most realistic depiction i have ever read of a teenager;s life.
The last book, however, really rushes Alice’s college years. and while it is still amazing (no complaints here!) I was wondering if you will ever consider writing more on that, or maybe a modern-day sequel about Patricia Marie and Tyler’s kids? I would love to know more about them! If not I totally understand, I already love what you have written, and this is just a question.
I am sorry if this is a mess, I am excitedly typing this, at the prospect of getting a response from an author whom I admire so dearly.

Phyllis replied:

I’m glad that the books meant so much to you, and can understand that you wished there had been more about Alice’s college years.  I wish I could have written more about college too.  The fact is, I just didn’t feel I knew enough because I never went away to college.  I married at 18, right after I graduated from high school, and took my first two years of college going back and forth from our apartment to the junior college.  Then I took some classes by correspondence, and finally finished up the rest that I needed for a BA degree, planning to become a clinical psychologist.  But, as I’ve told before, the man I married became paranoid schizophrenic five years into the marriage, and I spent three more years trying to find the right hospital and treatment for him.  Nothing worked and we finally divorced.  I married again, we had two sons and a good marriage, but I never had the experience of living in a dorm with other girls and doing goofy college things, and it just seemed more honest to write what I did know instead of making up too much stuff.  I just don’t know Patricia and Tyler well enough to write a whole new book about them.  Sorry.

Posted on: July 5, 2021


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