Wish I Could have Told Her


I just wanted to drop you a note to thank you so much for writing the Alice series. I received a copy of Reluctantly Alice when I was 11 in 1995 from my grandmother (and the information that we are distantly related through her). Very shortly after, she passed away from cancer, but I kept reading the series. It has meant a lot to me, like an extra long love letter from my grandmother.

I stopped reading them once I graduated high school and I’m just now finishing up the series as an adult. I had to pause and let myself feel some strong feelings as the series went on and Alice became more inclusive of her queer classmates and friends. I came out as bi 6 years ago, and one of the things I wish most in the world is that I could’ve told my grandmother and heard her tell me she loved and accepted me. Thank you for letting me have that by proxy. I know she never got to read about Lori and Leslie, but since she felt it was important for me to read the series, it felt like being given that acceptance, decades later.

I wish the very best for you and your family. Thank you, again and again.

Phyllis replied:

It’s always great when you find out that someone else’s odyssey matches your own in some way; that something you thought unmentionable about yourself is simply part of the human spectrum, and others deal with it quite acceptably. It becomes a plus in their lives, not a minus.    You obviously had a wise and caring grandmother, and I have the feeling she would be very happy for you.  I’m so glad you found the Alice series.   Enjoy!


Posted on: April 20, 2020


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