Witch books


Just a quick message to send my undying thanks to Ms Naylor. Your witch series is indelibly seared in my young girl’s psyche and I will never forget the stories or their impact. 40 year after reading them, just told a new adult friend to go read them. You have a created a lasting legacy.

Phyllis replied:

I’m so glad you enjoyed them.  I scared myself silly in writing them, especially the second book, “Witch Water.”  The scene in Mouse’s room when her dad’s away, and the cats and crows start scratching at the windows….   I remember that I always backed my chair up against the wall when I was writing those books, because I knew if anyone walked behind me and touched my shoulder, I’d leap out of my skin.  I hope you were able to read all six in the series.

Posted on: November 11, 2019


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