Witch Series Sequel?


Years ago, I was hooked on the Witch series you wrote. I read all 6 of them over and over – in fact, I read the first three so many times, I had to buy new ones because they were falling apart.  I am now forty years old and, believe it or not, I still pull them out every couple winters and reread them! The story holds up even for adults. This year as I am reading them, I wondered if you would consider writing a sequel?
I know that Elnora Tuggle has been transformed by good forces…but I am curious as to what happened to Lynn and Mouse.
Would you consider writing a story in which they are grown up and one of their children is confronting witchcraft? Or one of Judith or Stevie’s children?


Phyllis replied:

Oh, those witch books do seem to have a life of their own, don’t they?  Every so often I get a letter like yours, from someone who read them years ago, and I’ll admit, they scared the pants off me too while I was writing them.  But there are nine notebooks piled on the floor beside my desk of notes for books waiting to be written.  There is a novel over 800 pages on my computer that I am determined to finish soon.  I have promised my editor another book by fall.  I appreciate your writing to tell me how much the books have meant to you, but I’m afraid that a seventh book would have to be spun from your own imagination.

Posted on: January 13, 2019


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