Worshipped Your Books since 4th grade


Thank you so much for sending me the Alice poster. I’ve worshiped your books since 4th grade. At my library, if you read a book in the summer and did a book report on it, you would receive a free book. I remember doing this the summer before 4th grade. I sat at the shelf looking for a book to bring home. Every book I looked at seem too “baby” or “grown up” for a 4th grader. I skimmed through each book when I came across a book with a blue cover. Blue being my favorite color at the time, I slid the book out to see it. The book was Alice in Blunderland. I chose the book and went home and read it in one sitting. Ever since that summer, I’ve checked out each Alice book and read it. Each summer I look forward to going to the library and checking out each Alice book. I’m pretty sure I’ve read each book in the series at least 10 times! I’ve raved about the books to each of my friends and my family knows in the summer, the book(s) that will appear most often in my hands are an Alice book. I am an avid reader, and if I liked reading then, I adore it now!

I look up to her character and I do admit, I’ve attempted to model my life after hers (that didn’t work out too well). I discovered that she was her own person, and that’s what I needed to be when I wasn’t the most “popular” or well-liked in school. She has made a difference in my life, and I hope in many other girls’ life as well. Thank you so much for writing such a beautiful series.
Phyllis replied:
I’m so happy that the Alice books have meant a lot to you.  Alice in Blunderland was a good book to start with.  It sounds as though you’ve grown up along with Alice, and are almost through her high school years.   Happy reading!
Posted on: March 10, 2011


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