Would you read my manuscript?


I understand the need and desire for diverse stories by diverse writers in the classroom, and I have written one that I think has the potential to influence children and middle schoolers and increase their empathy and understanding of other countries.  I completely understand if you feel you must decline, but I have to ask. Would you be interested in reading my story and if you enjoy it, possible giving a quote?

Phyllis replied:

I’m sorry, but there aren’t enough hours in the day to do all I want and need to do.  I am deeply involved in a novel of my own and approach each week wondering if there isn’t a dinner reservation I can cancel or a doctor’s appointment I can postpone, just to give me a few hours of extra time.  Authors  receive many requests to do this, but we only have 24 hours a day, like everyone else.  But I do sincerely hope that your book finds a home.


Posted on: January 25, 2019


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