You are my favorite author

Oh my god! I am 13 years old Phyllis Reynolds Naylor you are my favorite author I have read many of your books including Shiloh and 18 of the Alice books and the 3 prequels. I am about to start the 19th book at first I stopped reading the books because they did not have those books yet but now that the library has them I am going to be the first person waiting at the school’s library to get it (most of the girls I know have read all the 21 books there is available at our library) . Your books are so nice so full of details, voice, they inspire me in my life I love your books so much that I get a book and I don’t let it go until I finish it (I read them in a day!) I am looking toward to that book were Alice is going to be 60! I hope I can convince my librarian to write a letter to you and ask you if you can go to our school

PHYLLIS Replied:
You probably know Alice almost as well as I do right now. I’m working on the 25th Alice book at present, and a lot is happening in her life. I’m delighted to know that you and your friends enjoy the books so much.

Posted on: March 26, 2009


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