You are my Project


I have been assigned you as a project that happens throughout the year.  Let me say, I love your books!  I am going to dress ui as you at the end of the year, so please tell me about yourself.  Where do you write?  What do you wear when you write?  What time fo day do you like to write?  How do you dress and wear your hair when you write?  How do you got your ideas?
Phyllis replied:
I’m flattered that you chose me as your project, but I do hope that you don’t consider me a pen pal, because I truly don’t have time to continue an ongoing correspondence with readers, much as I would love to.  I’m happy to hear comments and criticisms, as well as to answer, as best I can, questions you might have, but my real job is writing books, and that takes a lot of time.  As for these questions, however, here are my answers:
  I write in my big comfortable writing chair, often in my pajamas, at all times of the day, having simply run a comb through my hair.  My ideas come to me through things that have happened to me or my friends, or things I read about in the paper, or just from my imagination.  The best writing tip I can give anyone, if you’re having trouble thinking of an idea, is to think about the time in your life that you were most embarrased, most sad or angry or happy, amd write down just a few sentences about it.  Then start changing it.   Make it happen to someone else.  Give it a different beginning, or ending.  Add conflict and suspense.  And try to make it the story that only you can write.
Posted on: February 19, 2012


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