your 3 favorite parts?


Hello! I’m from Bangor, Maine. I’m 16 years old and I love the Alice series with every fiber of my being! I’ve read all the books and I absolutely 100% love the way you ended it! The final book is my most favorite because that’s where everything unfolds and we see who Alice becomes. If I had to list my 3 favorite parts of the book, I would say my first one would be when Alice married Patrick, the second one where Alice and Patrick have kids, and the last one would have to be when they found the time capsule. The whole series was beautiful! Thank you so much for writing it! What are your 3 favorite parts of the last book if you have them?

Phyllis replied:

Oh, don’t ask an author to do that.  It’s like making a mother choose one of her children for her favorite!

Posted on: July 12, 2021


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