Your family’s thoughts about your career


Hello, I’m 15 and want to be an author just like you and I was wondering just out of curiosity, what did your family think about you being an author. Shiloh and The Alice series are very popular and they’re in school libraries. Did your sons think it was cool to have a mom who was an author of some pretty popular books that maybe kids in their school were reading? did they brag about it?

Phyllis replied:

I don’t know.  I never asked them.  Since I was writing long before they were born, they just accepted that I was a mom who worked at home and had an office in the house and often curled up on the sofa with a clipboard on my lap.  I suppose they figured that dads went to work somewhere else but mothers worked at home.  As for the Alice and Shiloh books, I began writing those books when both boys were in their twenties.

Posted on: April 3, 2021


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