Your Favorite Alice Book


  I have been reading Alice books since 5th grade and i am now a freshmen in high school. I’m sure you get at least 100 emails a day form Alice fans I hope you can find the time to answer mine. I was wondering, what is your favorite Alice book, and what other books would you recommend from other authors that are like Alice books?

Phyllis replied:


It’s next to impossible for me to name my favorite Alice book, because I’m writing about a whole life, and the books all run together.  I like Alice In-Between, and Alice in April, Alice Alone and Intensely Alice….  I’ll have to leave it to other readers to suggest series that are similar to the Alice books.  It’s all I can do to keep writing my own, but I’m sure there are other good series out there.  Whether they are very similar to Alice, I don’t know. 

Posted on: June 10, 2010


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