Your Feelings About Being Banned

I am an elementary teacher who is working on a master’s degree in media specialist. I was assigned the task of looking over a list of banned books, picking one to read, and writing a report. I was shocked when I saw Alice on her Way on the list.
I am also the mother of two children. My son loved your Shiloh books and we read them together. I read it out loud to my class when I taught 4th grade. It is absolutely wonderful. My daughter is huge fan of the Alice series. She started reading them when she was in the 4th grade. She really related to the character and couldn’t wait for the next one to hit the shelves. So I found her copy of your book and started reading. It is beautifully written. I am enjoying very much. I am more the half-way finished and I hate to put it down.
I am so angry that it is on the banned list. I feel that you are giving young girls and some boys very true insight to growing up. Kids are seeing so much about sex on television and movies, but not a whole lot about feelings. I believe that you have done a great job of sharing Alice’s emotions about her relationships and growing up.
I hadn’t read this book before my daughter read it. I never felt the need to censor the books my children read. I don’t regret that decision and believe that my daughter learned a lot from this book and the others in the series. I thank you for being honest and giving kids good information about sex, feelings, and growing up in today’s world.
I would like to know your feelings about being on the banned list and if it has had an influence on your writing.
Phyllis replied:
I have answered your letter personally to your email address, but I’m quoting your email here because I want my readers to know that there are many parents like you out there, teachers and librarians too, who truly want young people to have the books they like and need, without censorship.  
Posted on: October 25, 2010


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