Your Questions Answered

Will They Ever Do IT?




hello mrs.naylor!!!
i just wanted to ask you if patrick and alice will ever do IT? i really wanted to know because i think they should. also when will justin and jills plan finnaly be revealed? in wat book?


Phyllis replied:


Do you honestly think I would tell you that and destroy the suspense for the books yet to come?  Sorry.  My lips are sealed.

Posted on: October 11, 2009

Consider Killing Myself

I went to a Youth Group Converence this weekend. It was the best time of my life. I met a guy and we stayed up all night talking. He kissed me. He said I was beautiful. The next day we held hands. It was wonderful. I am simply in love with him.
    He lives a few hours away from me, and now he won’t accept my friend request on Myspace. It has made me consider killing myself. He actully denied my request. Please help

Phyllis replied:

Now wait a minute.  You’re thinking of killing your beautiful self because a louse of a guy led you on?  Be a friend to yourself.  If there wasn’t a mistake here or some kind of misunderstanding, then he seems to be a guy to likes to get a girl “snowed,” and then drop her.  Don’t waste yourself on that.  I can see that it would be upsetting.  I would hate for it to happen to me, and I’d wonder if he meant anything at all that he’d said to me.  But “yourself” needs an understanding friend right now, so be that friend.  Some day, a girl will pull the same stunt on this guy, and perhaps he’ll develop a little empathy.

Posted on: October 10, 2009

Thank You!



 I have never laughed louder, cried harder or felt more overwhelmed with emotion than when I was reading Alice.. Thank you Naylor!!



Phyllis replied:


You’re welcome!

Posted on: October 10, 2009

She is a Part of my Life

Phyllis replied:


I wanted to write to you to tell you that I love the Alice series. I first discovered the series when I began junior high school. The book I read was Achingly Alice. I liked it so much that I bought all of the previous Alice books and read them all too. After getting caught up with the series, I waited not so patiently each May for a new Alice book to be released. I believe I was in the seventh grade when I found that first Alice book, and I am now a junior in college. I feel lucky to have discovered Alice. I feel like she is a part of my life, like a friend. I will continue to look forward to a new Alice book to be released each May. Thanks for creating Alice. Although I eventually found myself quickly surpassing Alice in age, she has always been one of my role models.

Phyllis replied:


I know that happens:  one year you and Alice are exactly the same age, and the following year and the year after, she’s still in the same grade.  That’s because I generally write three books for each year of her life, and they only come out once a year.  But I’m so glad that you’ve enjoyed her company for so long!   Thanks for writing.

Posted on: October 10, 2009

I Really Don’t Want to be Around Him

Phyllis #1 I just want to say I love Alice and can’t wait until the next one comes out 

#2 i need help with this guy. we r good friends but he is friends with a lot of girls. one day he asked me out and i said im not sure and the next day i said no(nicely) and that i didn’t like him in that way. and i said r u upset and he said no. then the next day he posts on facebook that he hates his life and i asked because i said no and he said yes. i told him to take his time to cool down.  but he texts me everyday and asks how i am doing and always asks if i like anybody or if i hate him and i say none of your business and i don’t hate him. and hes just starting to freak me out and he wants to know why i don’t want to go out with him and i say becuase i dont like him in that way.  and i really just don’t want to be around him anymore so how do i tell him that??  i dont want him to go suicidal or anything! help plz!!!! 


Phyllis replied:


This is difficult, because some people just can’t accept a “no,” and you’re trying not to hurt his feelings.  I suggest letting a day or two or more go by before you answer any messages from him.  I would ignore all the questions he asks about whether or not you like him, and stick to school subjects, movies, anything that’s general.  The fact that you are replying at all tells him you don’t hate him, but your answering, “I’ve been studying hard for that test”  in answer to his “Do you like anyone else?” might turn him off after awhile.


Posted on: October 10, 2009

I Really Want Them to Get Married



i am ten years old and in the fifth grade and i have read all your books in that series except for dangerously alice almost alice and intensly alice. but i am going to the library today and am hoping to find them. your alice books are sooooo good that i wish i had nonstop alice books so i could keep reading them! mrs. naylor are you going to wright more alice books now that intensly alice is finished and published? please keep writing alice and please wright a little quickly because i really want to read them! mrs.naylor are you ever planning to have alice and patrick get married? i really want them to get married because they are such an awsome couple. please keep writing your books mrs.naylor because they are spectacular!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Phyllis replied:


I can’t tell you in advance what’s going to happen in the Alice books because that would ruin the suspense.  I can only promise that there will be some surprises. Look for “Alice in Charge” next June.

Posted on: October 10, 2009

One of my Favorite Series



i just wanted to tell you that i love the alice series. it is one of my favorite series. i am a ten year old girl and i love the books! i like the ones when shes older alot better than the younger ones though. i have read all the books except for dangerously alice almost alice and intensly alice. im going to read those ones to though. you r a great author and thank you for writing those books. i love your books


Phyllis replied:

I’m so glad you like the books.  Actually, I had a good time writing the Alice prequels–Starting with Alice, Alice in Blunderland, and Lovingly Alice.  It was fun to figure out what Lester was like as a young teenager.

Posted on: October 6, 2009

Ever Feel Like Just Giving Up?



I love your alice books!<3 I think I wanna be a writer when i’m older i’m not sure my friends and family say i’m very creative and sometimes randomly things just come to me and I think “that would be good for a book.” I’m not so great in math since writing doesn’t really involve math I think it would be a perfect job for me. But when you wrote your first book did you have another job to support you while you were writing it? Do you ever feel like just giving up and taking a break?? And when you send a story to a publisher and they reject do you give up and start writing a whole new one or send it to a different writer and see if they like it? Thanks for having this website!


Phyllis replied:


  Yes, once I almost gave up.  In fact, I was going to burn all my manuscripts.  Then I got $60 for a short story and that changed my mind.  Always have another job in mind to support yourself.  Writing can be an iffy business, but good luck!  Always send a manuscript out to other publishers if you’re rejected.

Posted on: October 6, 2009

Intensely Alice


This was your best Alice book to me.  i don’t remember ever holding a book and shaking so hard from crying.  I felt Alice’s pain to the point that i thought i was there with them as they made a circle around the house, went to the funeral, and talked to each other at the playground  I’m just as lost as Alice is when it comes to god….i’m a 16 year old girl trying to find my place in life….so please don’t stop writing.  p.s. this would make a great show or movie…? but also i think you feel more when you read!


Phyllis replied:


I think it’s a book to be read by people who have followed Alice for a long time.  I cried too when I wrote it, especially the circle around the  house.  I’ve never been able to read that part in public.


Posted on: October 3, 2009

Will Eric Fielding appear again?

I just finished reading Simply Alice for the second time and wonder if Eric Fielding is ever going to appear in the books again. He is a favorite character of mine and I hope he and Alice get to see each other some time.

Phyllis replied:


Probably not.  I liked him too, but as often happens, some people drift in and out of our lives, even though we liked them very much.

Posted on: October 3, 2009


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