Your Questions Answered

Want to be a Writer


I am thirteen years old, and I’ve been reading the alice books since fifth grade.
when I read about alice, I can feel like we’re connected somehow. she just reminds me so much of myself in many ways!!
I feel as though I AM alice, and that everything that is happening to her, is really happening to me too. alice has taught me many things, and makes me wish that she was real. even though she is a fictional character, she’s one of my best friends, along with pamela, and elizabeth.
I love to write too, my desk is filled with journals that I”ve filled with stories of my own, and several diaries are hidden safely under my mattress (shhh!!! don’t tell anyone!!!!) and I’m constantly typing up new stories on my typewriter.
I think that ever since I was in third or second grade I’ve wanted to be a writer, and you are one of my favorites, and a good inspiration too. YOU ROCK!!!


Phyllis replied:


The fact that you write so much, simply for your own pleasure, probably means that you will indeed become a writer, either part or full time.  Best of luck!

Posted on: August 26, 2009

Snorkel and Flippers



I was reading the About Phyllis page on the Alice website, and I saw that you liked to snorkel. I asked for a snorkel and flippers for my birthday, and I got them! Yesterday I tried snorkeling, and I loved it. Thanks so much for inspiring me. Right now I am reading Intensely Alice. I’m really enjoying it! Thanks again! 


Phyllis replied:


Lucky you!   Having grown up in the Midwest, I didn’t get to snorkel till I was a grandmother.  If I lived on a beach, I’d snorkel every day.

Posted on: August 26, 2009

Journalism Major?



I’m going to be a journalism major, just like Alice is (probably?) going to be too.


Phyllis  replied:


She considers it from time to time.

Posted on: August 26, 2009

More Jade Green?


Please write an other Jade Green book. I feel in love with your first Jade Green book! Your books are GREAT, but Jade Green is one of my favorite books besides the Twilight series. I am going to read the Alice series next (hopefully while your writing the next Jade Green book!) I read your bio and I love writing books to, none of mine have been published.So right now I just read books for ideas.

Phyllis replied:


I don’t know that I could stand it. Scared the life out of me when I wrote that book, but I’m glad you enjoyed it so much.

Posted on: August 26, 2009

Writer’s Block

I was wondering if, during the Alice series, you ever got an extreme case of writer’s block. If so, which part of which book was it in? How did you overcome it? Are you happy with the final result?  Thank you so much.
I also wanted to know if you had ever thought about doing other types of writing, such as print journalism or poetry. How did you decide on being a novelist?
I sincerely love every Alice book. Thank you so much for the life lessons you have provided me through the series. 
Phyllis replied:
I’ve not ever had writer’s block in the way you describe it.  Many times I’ve found a story not going the way I want it, the writing flat, the intensity less than I expected.  I’ve never been in a position where I just couldn’t go forward at all.  The closest I’ve been to that is in the writing of my last novel for adults, “After.”  I liked the first two chapters so much that all my attempts to write the third chapter didn’t seem to measure up.  I was disatisified with every draft.  I put it away for many months before I attemped it again, and I think I got through it by bringing something into that chapter that I’d originally thought would happen later, and this got the story going again.  I’ve written other types of things–my autobiography, nonfiction, a few poems, a writing instruction book –but my first love is fiction because my parents loved reading it aloud to us, and there was always the suspense and surprise of trying to guess what the next chapter would bring.
Posted on: August 22, 2009

Does It Actually Exist?

first, I want to say how much I love your books, and how amazed I am that you can relate to girls so much. But I have a question. In “Alice in the Know” Alice gets sent a fake email quix from Brian Brewster, that got her to reveal her true sexual expeiriences, I wanted to know if this website actually exsists. And I really want to know, if it doesnt exsist how did you come up with this idea?
Thanks sooooooo much for writing these books.
         P.S. I finally wanted to thank you for coming to my (old) scool (I think it was 2 or 3 years ago) but I never got to thank you for coming, so Thank You.
Phyllis replied:
Yes, it does exist, or did, but I’ve long forgotten the web address.  I think I’d read about it somewhere.  And after the scene was published in the Alice book, I heard from two different girls who said this trick had been played on them.  Let’s hope that site has been closed down by now.
And I’m glad you remembered my coming to your school, whichever school that was. 

Posted on: August 21, 2009

Who is the Girl?

Mrs. Naylor I absolutely love your alice series. i don’t want them to end because they’re the only books i can relate to and i feel like alice is apart of my life. i love your books cause i can picture and imagine everything that goes on in the books, from the most embarrasing moments to the sadest, especialy at the end of Itensely Alice. but i have a question. do you know who the girl is that poses as alice on the cover of the alice series .i always think alice looks like that and i wonder if that’s how you picture her to be. and BTWthank you for bringing the alice series to our hearts. your a great author.

Phyllis replied:


There were several different models, but I don’t know the names of any.  The publisher hires them from a model agency.  They resemble the Alice in my head in some ways, but I think each of us has her own idea of what the characters look like.

Posted on: August 19, 2009

Nebraskan Farm Girl



I keep seeing people sending you messages about movies, so I began to wonder, ”how many movies are there anyway?”

     Whether you respond or not, I’d just like you to know that, even as a 13 year old already taking college classes, I love you’re Alice books.  It is indubidably my favorite series.  Each book I find is read within an hour of leaving the library!
                                                                                                                          ANebraskan farm girl,
Phyllis replied:
Yep.  They even read Alice in Nebraska, and I’m glad!  There is only one Alice movie so far, “Alice Upside Down,” (based on “The Agony of Alice”).  I don’t know if there will be any more.
Posted on: August 19, 2009

Prequel Books Included?

I know there are going to be 28 books, but I was wondering if you are including the prequel books or if you’re counting from The Agony of Alice?
Phyllis replied:
Prequel books are included in the 28.
Posted on: August 17, 2009

Don’t Stop Now!



Your Alice books are amazing. I just finished reading, “Intensly Alice” and boy was it intence! I had myself crying at the part when ——  dies. And laughing at parts. And blushing at parts….in all your books, all my emotions come out! Come to think of it, I think that it’s great that your books have that affect on young teens. Thank you very much for writting the Alice books and I love your Shiloh books as well. You have an amazing talent, Mrs. Reynolds, so don’t stop now!!!!


Phyllis replied:


I won’t.

Posted on: August 17, 2009


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