Your Questions Answered

Starting with Alice



THANKYOU SOOOO MUCH FOR WRITING THE ALICE SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In my school they had boring books and i wanted to read a series. one day i found “starting with alice” and i fell in love with it so i am reading the series. GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Phyllis replied:


So glad you found them.  You’ve got a lot of happy reading ahead!

Posted on: October 21, 2011

Where can I get the whole series?

Hello! First, let me start of by saying I am ABSOLUTLY in love with the Alice Series! But, I have a slight problem. I really want to read the ENTIRE series, but I can’t find the earlier books ANYWHERE! Can we order them from you, or somewhere else? Why don’t they have them all in book stores or libraries? I’ve been dying to get my hands on them! Thanks in advance!

Phyllis replied:

 I get this question so often that I’ve forwarded your letter to my editor.  In the meantime, all I can tellyou is that the books about her high school years are now published 3 to a set in what we call “Bind-up” editions, beginning with a set called, “I Like Him, He Likes her.”  The middle books have just come out in a new paperback format–the covers are all done by the same artist, but I don’t think they’re in the stores yet.  When the last bind-up is out, and I know the middle books are in the stores, I’ll try to post something on the Alice website explaining it all.  In the meantime, keep watching the Amazon and Barnes & Noble websites–they’ll probably be among the first to have the new editions.

Posted on: October 19, 2011

Email from Austria



I am twelve and I’m from Austria.
  I started to read your books when i was nine. Every time when it’s 
christmas, easter or my birthday I tell my parents that I want alice 
books, I love them!
And my friend i my class love them, too!
Alice is so real, she is not just a person in a book, and I just 
wanted to say,  I’m so glad that you wrote (and write) the Alice 
series!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I don’t like reading very much,but I love 
to read Alice!!
But I have a little question: Why did you start to write the Alice 
series at all? What was the inspiration?

Thanks for reading this and much greetings from Austria!!

Phyllis replied:

I love hearing from readers in other countries, and wonder if you are reading the original version or a translation.  I didn’t know when I wrote the first Alice book that it would become a series, but got so many letters asking for more that I decided I would do it as long as I didn’t have to turn out more than one book a year, and Alice could grow slightly older in every book.  The publisher agreed.

Posted on: October 19, 2011

Please Don’t Break Them Up


I loved how raw and amazing Incredibly Alice was.  One of the things that is amazing about this series and the book is the deep connection Alice and Patrick have. I have grown up with Alice and Patrick and seen their relationship develop. the funny moments when Patrick’s parents invited Alice to the Country Club and that was her awkward moment. We saw them break up over Penny. But this book really shows what anchors them together.Pleeease don’t break them up. I know Alice is going to college and might move on and Patrick is going you know where.  But there are three couples that can never be broken up Han/Leia, Ron/Hermione, and Alice/Patrick.

 Phyllis replied:
The last Alice book has been turned in, so I”m afraid you’ll have to wait until it’s published in 2013, “Always Alice,” to find out.  As in real life, some couples drift apart and go their separate ways, some stay together through the years, some part and find each other later, some find each other later but nothing happens….   Sorry to make you wait, but I don’t want to ruin the suspense for others.
Posted on: October 19, 2011

Trying to read the whole series

I never really thought that I would like the Alice series because I never really planned to read it. I was in the library at school one day with my 5th block class, and the media teacher said it was time to check out. So I didnt have one in my hand because I already had checked a ton out. But I just picked up a random book I saw. When I got home I started reading Alice the Brave and I am now trying to read the whole series. Almost every single girl my age can relate to some situation Alice has been through, I know I can. Well that was all I had to say.
Phyllis replied:
I’m so glad you found Alice.  You’ve got a lot of happy reading ahead. 
Posted on: October 19, 2011

What happened to the girl?



   I started reading your books last summer, and I absolutely LOVE them!!!!  I can’t wait for “Alice on Board” to come out!!!!!!!! I’m dying to read it, you are pretty much my favorite author ever, and this is definitely, like the best series I have ever read, and my favorite. This series is really amazing to me and has helped me live life better. I have a question for you, What ever happened to the little girl Brian hit with his car? Is she alright? They never said!!!! You’re reply would be much appreciated!!!!!


Phyllis replied:


That’s a good question, and one I don’t think I ever answered.  I believe that somewhere, in one of the books, Alice and her friends are talking about the accident, and someone remarks that for Brian, his probation of no driving will be over in a year, while for the little girl, it will be a long, slow recovery.  And I left it at that.  In my mind she did, yes, fully recover.  Thanks for bringing this up.  I’m so glad you like the Alice series!

Posted on: October 10, 2011

Was he Gay?

Hi I love your books and have read all of them.I have one question:is phil adler gay? it said he was at the prom with a guy i think and hes in the GSA…so yeah just wondering…
Phyllis replied:
I’d forgotten his last name, but yes, Phil was gay.
Posted on: October 8, 2011

Another Alice book?

I just finished reading your first Alice book and i have almost the whole rest of the series from the library.
Alice makes me feel like have a twin! I’ve always wanted to be an author myself, just as good as you, but I’m only a girl in 5th grade, so I’ll be working hard. It would mean more than writing a book to me if you could email me back. When are you making another Alice book? If you are, I can’t wait!
Phyllis replied:
The very last books in the series are now at the publishers, and will come out in 2012 and 2013– “Alice On Board” and “Always Alice.”
Posted on: October 8, 2011

Hate to Read, but love Alice



I am thirteen years old and i hate to read. In my english class we have to read 2 and 1/2 to three hours every week. This is always difficult for me because I play sports ,try my hardest in school,try to go to all of my brothers foot ball, base ball, and basket ball games, and some nights even stay up until 10pm. doing homework and lastly i don’t like to read. during summer vacatiuion I had not read at all and my ma saw a alice book when i read the back i thought i would like it so i checked it out. I read the book and LOVED IT. then i found out there was a series. during this school year so far I have looked for the alice books and have found many and have already read 4 this year(excluding the ones I read over the summer) and it has only been 1 month since school started!! A few days ago i wanted to read the whole series and i found your blog and the list and i printed the list and bring it everywhere i go. in school it stays in my binder so i can check what books i want to read or see what the next book in the series is and more! Yesterday i decided to read the very first book I started to read it yesterday and finished it yesterday!!!!!!!!!! I am such  a slow reader you would not belieave it, I read for 4 hours and 5 minutes yesterday to read thet book i couldn’t stop!!! This week(monday through thursday) I read 7.6 hours and now i have an A+ on my reading grade and a few weeks ago my ma and I were saying how she wants me to get an A+ in reading and i told her I didn’t know if I could and she said she knew I could then I got really worried because I try my hardest in everything and always get A’s and never had to have my ma tell me to work harder and get a better grade because the week before i got a B+ and She wanted better. I was so worried! but then i kept reading your books and got more and more into them!!!! I forgot all about our conversation and before i knew it I had read three weekes worth of reading already!!! and I will keep reading this much every week if not more!! Every year of school I only read about 2 books because I hate reading so much but it never affected my grade and this year my reading teacher told us to write down how many books we thought we would read this year i wrote 5!!!!! I have already read four books in 1 month it is unbelievable!!!!!!!! my ma and I are thrilled that We finally found a series that makes me LOVE reading and a series I can relate to and a series that raises my grades!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are truly the best author that can write books that soo many teenage girls can relate to and enjoy!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING I MENTIONED IN THIS LETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t say how much i thank you it would take a long time writing 100’s of thank you’s!!!!!
PLEASE READ AND RESPOND TO THIS IT WOULD MEAN THE WORLD TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Phyllis replied:
I love letters like yours, but think you’ve discovered something else: It’s not reading you hate, it’s reading things that don’t interest you.  That’s so true of a lot of things in life–work, example.  There are some tasks we despise, others that aren’t so bad, and some we really enjoy.  I’m just delighted that you love the Alice books so much.  I enjoyed writing them, and was always happy when it came time to write another book.   I think you’ll love “growing up with Alice,” right up to the very last book.
Posted on: October 8, 2011

The Whole Series



Hi Mrs.Naylor I can’t belive i found your email address I hope this is real! 🙂 I just wanted to say I LOVE YOUR ALICE BOOKS! Im working on reading the whole series this year. They really inspire me and make me laugh! Im a 7th grader so I understand some of the things Alice goes through. I wish I had her books at home.At my school library we don’t have all the books so its impossible for me to read the whole series! 🙁 but im gonna try the town library and hopefully they have them,if they dont…..I don’t know what I would do. I’d probably start crying i want to buy the whole series but I just can’t right now. My parents have already spent so much money buying stuff for me that I don’t really need now that I think about it.Well,I just wanted to say I love your Alice books and it would mean the world to me if you wrote back to me! I know you probably get a TON of email but I hope that you read mine. 🙂
Thanks for making and writing the Alice Series
Phyllis replied: probably has all my books, and bookstores could special- order them for you.  But see if your librarian won’t  get the ones you want on “inter-librarian loan.”  That means the librarian finds out what other library has the book, orders it, waits until it’s available and is sent, then notifies you that the book is in.  It takes some work on the librarian’s part and it takes patience on yours, but it’s one way to get the books without purchasing them.  I’m so glad you like the series.
Posted on: October 4, 2011


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