Your Questions Answered




I am in seventh grade I want to be a writer when I grow up, and was wondering if maybe you could share a little bit of your talent with me. What I would like to know most is where you get your inspiration. I think your books are wonderful I love how you put so much feeling into them it shows me that there are no people alike and every person has there flaws.


Phyllis replied:


Inspiration comes from things that happen in your own life–feelings you have about them–and things friends tell you, things you read about in the paper….  The older you get, and the more experience you have, the more you have to inspire you.  Please read my book, “How I came to be a Writer,” and best of luck in your own writing.

Posted on: October 11, 2010

So Incredible and Awesome

You will honestly not believe this email!
My name is Elizabeth (Even though I go by Libby) and I have an old friend named Alice. I always thought that was pretty cool that we were named after two characters in the Alice books since we both love them! But this year at school, there’s a new girl named…..PAMELA!!! And she is Alice and I’s friend!!! It is so incredible and awesome that me and my friends are straight out of the Alice Series! We all love you books!
Phyllis replied:
That really is funny and amazing.  I hope the three of you don’t feel compelled to take on the exact personalities of the characters who share your names.
Posted on: October 11, 2010

What’s Going on with Us?



okay so its this boy {lets call him Tommy} Ive liked Tommy ever since third grade but he never liked me and we were really close. but now in seventh grade when we have all of our classes together  we have cute little nick names for each other he is always staring at me. always trying to make me laugh {which i do because he is so funny} and all of his friends always come up to me and ask me if i like him {which i deny} do you think he is sending them?. But a big problem is that he is white and i am black. oh and he always have an excuse to touch my hair… what is going on with us? 🙁

Phyllis replied:

Sure sounds to me as though he likes you.   Maybe he’s curious, too.  Some people are very much attracted to those who are at all different from themselves in some way.   Why don’t you just stay friends with him, and treat him like all your other friends?  You don’t have to say you don’t like him if you do.  Just laughingly answer, if people ask, “Sure!  I like lots of people.”

Posted on: October 11, 2010

A Writer’s Notebook?



In my class I Have to do a power point with your Favorite Author, I picked you. One of the Questions I need to ask you is, do you have a writers notebook?

If you dont us one, wherere do you write down your ideas? I  looked on all of your web sites and I couldnt find out if you had a writers notebook. Please write back soon.


Phyllis replied:


I keep a small notebook in my purse, and jot down a few sentences about ideas that come to me if I’m away from home.  Here at home, I keep a 3-ring notebook for every book that I am currently thinking about writing–not just wisps of ideas that may some day become a book–but ideas that excite me enough that they are in line to become books.  Whenever I get a new idea about that particular book–plot, character, setting, research, etc.–I write it in that notebook, so that by the time I’m ready to start writing the actual book, that notebook may be an inch or two thick with ideas.  

Posted on: October 11, 2010

My Mom Doesn’t Want me To


I have read the first 2 or 3 Alice books, and I really like them and I want to read more, but my mom doesn’t want me to because she thinks they are too mature for me!

Phyllis replied:


I can’t overrule your mom.  But you might ask if you can read the next Alice book together, so that you could ask her questions about anything you might not understand?

Posted on: October 11, 2010

I Love Being Around Those I Love

Hello, I am 18 years old and I am still a HUGE fan of the Alice series!  I cannot wait till you come out with more books.
As expected, I need help.
I am a freshman in college at a California State University.  I am originally from a small town about an hour and a half north of Los Angeles.  Around the end of my senior year in high school, I ended up falling head over heals for a junior at the same high school.  He has never once disrespected me, nor has he acted immature towards me.  We ended up going to prom together.  The summer before I left for college, we had just about spent every day together.  As the days passed, I kept falling and falling.  I have never once felt this way about anyone.  You know that saying “if you feel it is right, then it IS right”?  Well, I feel exactly like that.  I honestly cannot imagine my life without him and I see a future with him.  When I left for college, I took it so hard.  However, I knew what I was going to Los Angeles for and that was to gain an education and make something of myself.  I am currently trying to stay positive about everything but there are some days when I simply can’t.  I end up driving home in the wee hours of the night and staying for the weekend just to go see my boyfriend and my family.  Don’t get me wrong, I do get my work done.  I handle my responsibilities above all else.  When I am home, I am happy.  I love being around those I love.  As soon as it’s time to go back to Los Angeles, I get depressed.  My boyfriend reassures me everything will be okay, and that we will make it through anything.  I believe that but I just don’t like being a day without him.  I don’t know what to do Mrs. Naylor.  I don’t know how to handle it when I’m missing him.  He is planning to attend the same college I am.  I always wonder if everything is going to work.  I can see myself marrying him.  I can see myself having kids with him.  I see myself with him.  The distance thing is just taking a pretty hard hit on me. 
Phyllis replied:
You really are having a hard time of it, I can tell.  And perhaps you two really are in love and will eventually marry.  It’s possible.  But here’s the thing: even if this is the case, you still need to learn to be independent, and by that I mean not only taking care of your personal needs and getting your school work done when you are away from home, but learning to function as a mature adult when there is no one physically around who “loves” you.  In other words, you need to have the self confidence and self esteem to carry on with your life when you are not continually being reassured, by the love and presence of someone else, that you are cherished.   You say, “I always wonder if everything is going to work.”  I think there is a lot of anxiety behind this need for love.  Try looking at it this way:  If the love between you and your boyfriend lasts, and you eventually marry, the most important thing you can do for your marriage right now is to increase your own self-confidence and independence, which will make you a better wife.  Stay at the college over the weekend and when you start feeling lonely, tellyourself you’re already working on your possible marriage-to-be.  It’s also the best thing you can do for yourself.
Posted on: October 10, 2010

It’s Not Fair


I just wanted to let you know that it is not fair for you to say we can ask you questions on here and you not answer. This is my third email to you. I sent you my first email almost over a month ago and you still haven’t replied. Thank you for your time.

Phyllis replied:


No, it’s not fair, and I truly apologize if any of your emails have gone unanswered for more than a week.  Sometimes I am swamped with writing deadlines–perhaps a manuscript that I thought had gone to the copy-editor comes back from the editor wanting major changes–and   my personal life–as well as this fan mail page–gets put on hold.  And once in a while my computer acts up, or I press the wrong keys, and I lose letters and can’t find them again.  If anyone has written to me and not received an answer within a week, please do write to me again, and tell me it’s your second try.  I’ll move you to the head of the line.

Posted on: October 10, 2010

Huge Problem


I have a huge problem. You see, there is this guy I really, really, really, like (mostly I love him), but it is so hard for me to tell him how I feel. He and I have been friends for three years now and he used to like me (he might still) and I totally love him to bits. But, ever since he came to my school, he has been treating me like I don’t exist. Why is that so? I want to tell him how I feel but when he looks me in the eyes, I freeze up and act like a total idiot. I have tried at least several times to tell him how I feel. I just can’t do it. But, I keep trying no matter what. All of my friends think he is a total jerk to me, but they don’t know him like I know him. He is a year younger than me. Okay, let me tell you how this all happened.

I met him in the 5th grade at the age of 11. That night we met, I spilled so many secrets to him, not thinking that maybe he’d tell everyone he could. I just felt something that told me I could trust him. Is that love at first site? Because, after that I didn’t know his name for at least three months. Well, I went to his house one day and we (his brother, him and I)(by the way, I was 12 when this part happened) were all sitting on his swing set when I asked, “So, who do you like?” He told me this one girl he was dating and how he was going to her Birthday party next weekend. I believed him and just nodded my head sadly. Then, he asked, “Who do you like?” Oh, boy! I had to think quickly so I said, “Roger. He rides my bus.” And, ever since I said that, (We’ll call the guy I love SP) SP has treated me differently. He became mean and he always acted before thinking about what he was doing to me. Before I ever told him I “liked” Roger, he was so sweet and nice to me (Reason 1 why I fell so hard for him) but after that his personality changed. Why did his attitude towards me change?
That same summer, we (my dad, SP’s dad, SP’s brother, SP, and me) all went four-wheeling (that’s how I met him because all of us loved four-wheeling) and it was night time since we were camping out. His dad and brother and my dad went to take there showers. I had taken mine already but he hadn’t taken his. It was just SP and me. I wanted to tell him how much I loved him and that he was the only guy I could think about, but… when I looked at him, I froze… It was awful. I never thought that because I didn’t tell him would change my life so badly. (by the way, I was 13 when this happened)
School started and about a month into it, he broke my heart so badly! SP was “dating” Sabrina and it sent me over a cliff when i found out. I got the bus driver involved because I would have her tell me everything she knew about them. So, anyways, he sent me into a depression. When I would get home from school, I’d go take a walk in the woods and just sit on the path and cry until my eyes hurt so badly I couldn’t cry anymore. This was and is the guy that has ever sent me to tears. I never in my life have loved someone the way I love him. His girlfriend and a friend of hers would mess with me. They would tell me all these lies. The worst one was that he hated me. When I heard this, I became so angry/saddened and took my anger on myself. I seriously messed up when I told those girls to tell him to “go to hell” which is a bad thing for him since he is a big Catholic. I still feel bad about that. I don’t think it ever got to him though. So, I wrote him a note asking if we were still friends and how he was. I handed it to my bus driver who was glad to help me. The next day, I got a note back. He said that we were still friends and he wanted me to ride the elementary route home with him. It was really sweet of him. I still have that note today. I read it when I am down.
Now, I am 14 years old and want to know if I should just tell him how badly I love him or should I move on and find someone else like all my friends are telling me to do? Please help me! I am so depressed and sad that I only think of him…
Phyllis replied:
Seems to me you reply a lot on looks and silences and messages delivered by bus drivers and friends’ remarks….   When you sent him a note before, asking if you were still friends, you got a positive reply.  Why don’t you just try that again?  Keep it simple.  Don’t tell him you love him.  If he replies in a friendly manner, why can’t you two actually get together?  Go to a movie, go for ice cream, watch a DVD, anywhere where you can actually interact and talk to each other, without all this drama.
Posted on: October 10, 2010

Want to be an Author, Too


My class is working on a project where we write a letter/send an e-mail to our favorite author.  I’m in fifth grade and I go to Sandy Spring Friends School .  I want to be an author just like you someday, I read that you have a notebook of ideas for your next story ( I have my story ideas in my head) and I also have things that I never imagined would happen in my stories too. I also want to be an actress. I like dance, jazz and modern, and horse back riding. I would like to be in a camera club just like Alice is in Simply Alice, because I really like cameras. I live in Rockville, Maryland. I read that you live in Bethesda, that’s were my mom works, she has even driven past your road.

  I like the Shiloh books but I really love your Alice books. I have read Alice Alone, Alice In-Between,   The Agony of Alice, Outrageously Alice, The Grooming of Alice, Patiently Alice, Lovingly Alice, Simply Alice, Alice in April, Starting with Alice, Alice in Blunderland, Reluctantly Alice, Alice in Rapture, Sort of. I just checked out Achingly Alice.  I don’t always read them in order because with books like Alice you don’t have to. I mostly liked the books with Rosalind, Sara, Meghan, Dawn, Jody, and Donald Sheavers. I was so sad when Sara had to move to her grandmas. Did you plan on that happening or did it just happen? On the cover for Starting With Alice her cat, Oatmeal is so cute. When you thought of Donald Sheaver’s dog Muffin, what did you want him to look like? I liked that Muffin and Oatmeal were friends. I have two cats named Buttercup and Candy (we rescued them from the shelter) and Candy would be like a mother to a puppy.
I was really surprised when Alice, Pamela, and Elizabeth saw Donald Sheavers at the mall. I think that it’s funny that he always does Tarzan yells whenever he sees Alice. Pamela and Elizabeth always have a crush on people Alice knows, like Lester and Donald Sheavers.
I can’t believe Lester was dating his philosophy professor. I wonder what it’s like to have a brother in college. Do you have any siblings? I like that Lester will take Alice out on her birthday, when they saved Crystal Harkins, and the time the actress who was playing the role of the drunk bridesmaid was dancing with Lester, and Alice poured her 7 UP down her dress. I like it how Lester has a different girlfriend in  practically every book, like Lisa, Crystal, Marilyn, Lauren, and others. I like that she can connect with most of Lester’s girlfriends and wants them to be her sister-in-law. I really liked when Lauren had Lester arrested for breaking and entering, and Alice, Pamela, and Elizabeth saved him from jail because I like that Alice cares enough about her brother that she would be brave enough to take a taxi alone with her friends to save him.
 I can always imagine Alice from what you say about her in the books. I also imagine her house, school, friends, and family (except Aunt Sally for some reason) from the movie Alice Upside Down. Some of my favorite characters in Alice’s family are Carol and Aunt Sally. Who is your favorite author? Do you like music? I wish I could meet you in person, especially scince we live close to each other.
Phyllis replied:
Acutally, I live in Gaithersburg now, but I appreciated your letter. You have obviously read a great many Alice books, and I’m very happy that you enjoy them so much.  Some of the scenes you mention are the ones I like the best too. 
Posted on: October 8, 2010

Sexuality is Normal

This email is going to be pretty much like lots of the ones you’ve posted on the Alice blog, but I know if I was a published author (I’m still querying), I wouldn’t mind another one.
I read my first Alice book in 4th or 5th grade, and devoured them. I don’t know exactly what happened (maybe I couldn’t find anymore), but then I stopped. I just found 6 of the more recent ones at my library, and it turns out that I still love them. I’m a sophomore (in high school) now. Alice feels so real, even though most of her quick bio-facts are very different from mine.
As I was reading Simply Alice (the first of the 6), I realized just how often in the years since I first started reading them that I think of stuff that’s happened in the books. Weekly, even. Most of my sex-ed came from the books, and I’d especially like to thank you for that. It’s presented in such a safe, normal way. I’m uncomfortable with talking about that kind of stuff with my parents and my friends, so this was incredibly helpful in learning things. Your books have taught me that sexuality is normal. Actually normal- not just “health-class normal.” I don’t know what I would have done otherwise. There are other sources, but none that I’ve found are so comforting as Alice.
Not only is the Alice series enjoyable to read, but I’ve learned so much (and not just about sex!) from them. I’m trying to get my youngest sister (she’s 11) to start reading them as well, and I’ve highly endorsed them on my blog. I don’t know how you can connect with us teenage girls so well, but you’ve done a fantastic job of it.
Phyllis replied:
I really appreciate your letter.  I had the same feelings you do about the sexual instruction I received as a child.  All about the process–sort of like brushing your teeth–but nothing about the feelings or pleasure of it.  When your sister’s ready for the later Alice books, I hope she likes them too.
Posted on: October 8, 2010


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