Shiloh Blog

Attached to Shiloh

I love your books about Shiloh. I didn’t realize how attached you can get to the characters. I am very attached to them. I am a student in 7th grade and in 5th grade we read Shiloh for a book in class and ever since I have been reading the other books. The books are so inspirational and I love how caring Marty is for Shiloh. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this, and enjoy the rest of you day.


I’m glad you’re enjoying them so much.  I would never have written them if I hadn’t come across that real-life little dog in Shiloh, West  Virginia.

Posted on: January 30, 2018



what was the inspiration behind the book “Shiloh”

Phyllis replied:

The fact that I really came across such a dog in the little community of Shiloh, W. Va. and couldn’t get it out of my mind.

Posted on: January 30, 2018

More Shiloh please!!

Shiloh is one of our favorites thus far!! My fourth graders and I just finished your book and we loved it! We have a few questions that we are dying to ask and would be thrilled for a response to if you have time.
1) What was your inspiration to write Shiloh?
2) Why did you choose a beagle?
3) Will there be more Shiloh books on the way?
4) Did you like the changes the director made to the movie? (example…taking out David Howard and inserting Sam, etc..)
5) What kinds of challenges did you face making your main character come to life since he is a boy?
6) About how long did it take you to write Shiloh?

We read your first story ever that was posted on your website and the kids thought it was violent and hilarious! Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Phyllis replied:

While visiting friends in West Virginia, in the little community of Shiloh, I really did come across an abused dog and could not get her (it was female) out of my mind, so that was my inspiration.  I was overjoyed when I learned that these friends eventually adopted her.  She had the colorings of a beagle, though she was really just a mutt, so I made her a beagle in the story.  There are three more books in the  Shiloh quartet:  Shiloh Season, Saving Shiloh, and A Shiloh Christmas, and David Howard appears in the second and third movies, I believe.  I guess the director wanted a more prominent girl in the movie, so made up the character of Sam.  I have no problem bringing boys to life in my books, as I have two boys of my own, now grown men.  I wrote the first draft of Shiloh in six weeks, the fastest I’ve ever written a book, but then of course there was a lot of polishing and revising to do.  I’m glad your class enjoyed it so much.

Posted on: January 30, 2018

What year does it take place?


What year does A Shiloh Christmas take place

Phyllis replied:

Somewhere in the 1980’s


Posted on: January 23, 2018

Couldn’t You Write Another?


I am a big fan of your Shiloh books, and was bummed when I read the last book in the series. I was wondering if you could write another Shiloh book. I hope it’s not too much to ask


Phyllis replied:

It’s not too much for you to ask, but it’s a lot for me to do.  I think there comes a point in a series where the author has said all that needs to be said about Marty and his relationship with Judd Travers.  Of course, it could go on and on with different events happening, but there are SO many other kinds of books I want to write.  I only have two hands and one life.  But I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the books!


Alaina age 9

Posted on: January 22, 2018

How many Shiloh books are there?


I love the Shiloh books. How many Shiloh books are there.


Phyllis replied:

Four:  Shiloh, Shiloh Season, Saving Shiloh, and A Shiloh Christmas

Posted on: January 11, 2018

Five is Plenty


I thought the first second and third books about Shiloh were fantastic. I also think the fourth set holiday cheer all around the world. So I suggest to make a fith. Marty is older and Shiloh has an adventure of his own! That’s the plot of the 5th book I would suggest. A 6th? I’m not sure but 5 is plenty thanks! And have a good time.
Phyllis replied:

I’m just delighted that you loved the Shiloh books so much, but actually, I think that four books is plenty.  I enjoyed writing those books very much, but there are so many other kinds of books I want to write.

Posted on: January 4, 2018

Shiloh comments and questions


I am a 4th grade teacher at Science Hill Independent School in Science Hill, KY. I started the year reading Shiloh aloud to my students. They absolutely loved the book and wanted to read the next book in the series, and the next, and the next. We were able to finish the 4th book just before Christmas break. On our last day before break, I showed students your website and many had comments/questions they wanted to share.  I thoroughly enjoyed the series as well and appreciate being able to use your books to spark the interest of reading in my students.

How long have you been an author? Why did you choose Shiloh to be a beagle?Can you write more Shiloh books? Your books are the best! What is your favorite Shiloh book?  Where did you get the name Shiloh?  How do you think of the details and plot for the books?  Why do you like writing books?

Thank you for making the Shiloh series! The books are awesome!I have read a lot of books and Shiloh is my favorite series.

Phyllis replied:

I’m so glad you read aloud to your students.  I can still remember teachers who did that–a chance for us just to sit back, listen to all the expression in her voice, and fall in love with books and stories.  In answer to your students’ questions, I had my first short story published when I was 16.  My first book was published when I was 32.  I chose Shiloh to be a beagle because the little dog I came across in West Virginia looked a little like a beagle.  I think I am through writing the Shiloh series…there are just too many other kinds of books I want to write.  The first Shiloh book is probably my favorite, and I named the dog in the story  Shiloh because that the name of the small community where I found her.  She was female.  To write a book, I simply put myself in the place of the main character and think what he would do in a certain situation, and what kind of problems he would face.  I like writing books because I enjoy creating characters and places and plots and see how they all turn out.

Posted on: January 2, 2018

Judd’s Back Story

I just finished reading your book Shiloh it was really amazing but I was never able to figure out why Judd`s parents would treat him that way. I think you need a back story on Judd`s life and why Judd got whipped but overall the book was one of the best to ever exist.


Phyllis replied:

I think you’re right, that Judd’s childhood would make a good story.  But we could say the same thing about the preacher in book 4.  I really don’t have time to write back stories about the various characters in my books, but I felt it was enough for the Shiloh readers to know that Judd was also mistreated as a child, so he took his anger out on other people and his dogs.

Posted on: December 30, 2017

We got a new dog


I bet you love the books you’ve created and I bet you want to write more about Shiloh, do you? I just got a new dog and his name is St.Louis. We called him that because my grandfather lived and died there, and the explanation for that is he was the best relative I have ever known. He died this summer of 2017.


Phyllis replied:

I love the name you gave your dog, and I’m sure your grandfather would have been pleased.  I still remember the day my dad came home with a dog we called Pepper.  She was just a little thing, and cried at night until my brother gave her his teddy bear, and then she snuggled up to it and went to sleep.

Posted on: December 30, 2017


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