Shiloh Blog

Marty Preston


Is Marty a real boy?


Phyllis replied:

Marty is from my imagination, as are all the characters in my books.

Posted on: December 18, 2017

What would happen if he’d killed the doe?


what would happen if Marty tells on judd Travers for killing a doe out of season what would happen with judd?
And my class read the book Shiloh and loved it thank you for writing it.


Phyllis replied;

It depends on the laws in each state.  Probably Judd would have to pay a large fine and/or lose his hunting license

Posted on: December 15, 2017

Big fans of Shiloh!

My fourth grade students just finished reading, Shiloh. Here are a few of the comments/questions we want to share with you. Thank you for inspiring my young readers!

You are an amazing author. I love the emotion and detail in the story. The emotions ties the book together. My favorite part of the story was when Shiloh met Marty. I am similar to Shiloh because I am nervous and shy around other people. – Kaydence

You are a wonderful author. When I read this book, I cried so much (but in a good way). I am glad you let Marty keep Shiloh. To me, this really proves that, “A dog is man’s best friend.” – Ana

I really like the emotions you included in the story. To me, that was the best part. I think this is one of the saddest stories I’ve ever read. You are one of my favorite authors now. – Kylie

Your books are incredible. What inspires you to write? – Georgia

I love how you took an experience that you had and included it into Shiloh. My favorite part of Shiloh is when Marty’s sisters were lying on the lawn, and Shiloh is licking their faces and trying to turn them over. – Ali

The content of the book is like a present in a box and the emotion is the bow. Shiloh is one of my favorite books. You are a magnificent author. I haven’t read the whole series yet. But, I’m sure the rest of the books are just as incredible as the first one. – Vincent


Phyllis replied:

I don’t usually published the names of students who email me on my blog, but I assume you would like me to do it this time.  To the students:  I’m so glad you liked the book.  Yes, there are some very sad parts of it, but I think you were happy the way it turned out.   I guess what inspires me to write is that I love to do it so much.  I love the way a character sort of becomes real on the page.  After I write a page or a chapter, I read it out loud to myself, and this helps me become the person I’m writing about.  If you read all three of the remaining books in the quartet, it is like one continuous story–you will find out what really happens between Marty, Shiloh, and Judd Travers.

Posted on: December 15, 2017

I Named My Puppy Shiloh


Thank You for writing the Shiloh series! I loved reading your books when I was a kid and still do to this day. 12 ½ years ago I got a beagle puppy and named him Shiloh, inspired by your books. Unfortunately he just passed two days ago. I was lucky enough to say goodbye while he was still living. He said goodbye to us in his own way and passed in his favourite spot in the house. I just wanted to thank you for creating such a wonderful series. It’ll always be one I hold close to my heart forever!


Phyllis Naylor:

It’s so hard to say goodbye to a beloved pet, I know.  I’m sorry to hear of your dog’s death, but twelve and a half years is pretty good for a beagle.  He obviously knew he was loved, and returned his love for you.  Thanks so much for your email.

Posted on: December 3, 2017

Write bigger books

I am a student in grade 8 who read all your shiloh books. The first big book I read was Shiloh. Before I read this book I used to absolutely hate books. But once I read your book I discovered that reading is an adventure.First off I would like to congratulate you for having the ability of writing such amazing books. You should be proud of being an author you inspired me and now I love reading. My class has a reading assignment we do every month you read book an right a lot of things about it. So I went to the library and found the newest book of the Shiloh series. Then I read it and I was really amazed. Your book had many words that I found challenging which is absolutely great. But there’s one thing that I did not like about your book, it had to do a lot with religion. One thing that shock me is that their was no spelling errors or grammar errors which is amazing. Did you know that the average is 1 mistake per 50 pages. I think if that you’re ending wasn’t very detailed because I was still wondering if Judd bought the new house. I was also wondering when dad got to finish the new audition but that ok. I heard that this is your last book of the shiloh series so I wanted to know if Marty was ever going to be a vet. So please take my idea into consideration and make one last Shiloh book. You could become a better author by maybe writing bigger books. I think the best book you have ever wrote is Shiloh and that is why you received the award. I hope you read my letter and replay.

Phyllis replied:

I’m so glad you liked “A Shiloh Christmas.”  You would probably enjoy the first three books too, because it would show you how the relationship between Marty and Judd developed.  I think it is up to you to decide what career Marty chooses, but we all hope that he found a way, perhaps by getting a scholarship, to continue his education and find a vocation that included his love of animals.

Posted on: November 27, 2017

Letter from a Student


One of my 4th grade students finished reading Shiloh with her literature circle group, and wrote this letter for you. Since I was unable to find a mailing address, I decided to just type her message below. I know she would really appreciate a response, if possible. Thank you for writing such a wonderful book!


Student’s letter:
My group loved the book Shiloh. It was great! We finished it today. It was awesome! Your book is one of best ever! My group read it through. We loved every sentence of it! It was fun. It had a lot of detail. We loved it.


Phyllis replied:

I’m so glad that you liked the book.  I’m sure it must have been fun to read it aloud.   For all teachers and students:  Check the “news” blog on my website, for my home address if you want to send a letter by U.S. mail.

Posted on: November 17, 2017

Two Questions:


What inspired you to write Shiloh, and what inspires you to write books?

Phyllis replied:

I found an abused dog like Shiloh in West Virginia, which made me want to write the book, and my parents read aloud to us for about a half hour, every night, almost until we entered middle school.  It wasn’t that we couldn’t read ourselves–we could, and we did–but both Mom and  Dad read with such drama that it was my favorite part of every day.

Posted on: November 4, 2017

My reveiw of the book Shiloh


I really love this book because it has lessons to learn, and there are parts of the book that you just keep wanting to read! I’m a fourth grader and my class read parts of it every day and they didn’t want to stop reading it!

Phyllis replied:

Thank you for telling me.

Posted on: November 4, 2017

Should Judd go to Prison?


Shiloh is such a good book and I love all of the characters so much. I also think that the book is very interesting. I also think that Judd Travers should go to prison forever because he is a very mean man. Thanks so much for writing Shiloh because it’s my favorite book because it’s so fun to read and Shiloh is so adorable.

Phyllis replied:

(If you read the rest of the Shiloh books, you might possibly change your mind about Judd)


Posted on: November 4, 2017

A very good book

Phyllis replied:

Shiloh is a very good book and has a lot of detail.I love reading about dogs and I

will read the other Shiloh books.


Phyllis replied:

Thank you for writing to me!

Posted on: November 4, 2017


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