Shiloh Blog

I’m So Sad


I am so sad to hear that you are ending Shiloh that is like My favorite book even though I omly made it once I am so sad I just wish there was more Shiloh

Phyllis replied:

If you read all four books, and even watch the movies, I think you will learn a lot more about Shiloh.

Posted on: October 20, 2017

The end of Shiloh?


Is Shiloh really coming to an end it will be really sad because I am not kidding that is my favorite book and it just sad to see that my favorite book is coming to an end please don’t end Shiloh

Phyllis replied:

I’m sorry I can’t go on writing Shiloh books forever, but I hope you will read all four. The  Shiloh quartet will tell you how it all turns out between Marty and Judd Travers and Shiloh.

Posted on: October 20, 2017

I don’t want Shiloh to end!


Hello My name is Sofia from Van buren Elementary 5th grade instead of ending SHiloh you can make more stories like here I have a few suggestions like you can make a story where shiloh remembers his parents and travels to find them or you can make a story on how Shiloh meets a female dog and the female dog was a homeless dog so then Marty takes her in… If you can tell I just don’t want Shiloh to end.

Phyllis replied:

There are four Shiloh books, each telling you what happens next.  But you might enjoy writing your own Shiloh story!

Posted on: October 20, 2017

Judd Travers


I just started reading Shiloh, and I kinda don’t get Judd Travers.

Phyllis replied:

That’s understandable.  You really need to read the whole book.  In fact, if you read all four of the Shiloh books, you’ll know a lot more about Judd and why he acts the way he does.

Posted on: October 20, 2017

Shiloh the real dog


Hello my name is Sofia I was reading through the questions and I saw that Shloh had died if you can please tell me how he died I would love to know becasue I have a friend how just got a dog bt her dog acts wierd it acts sad all the time and all it wants to do is sleep. I actually wanted to see him but now I know that will never happen I just wish I could see him mabey when it is my time I could meet him but Shiloh is so adorable and i can’t believe that he is dead I am so sorry for your loss and one more question who is his owner and was this dog actully hurt durring the film and was he abused and mistreated before like the actually book and is his name Shiloh or soemthing else.


Phyllis replied:

Shiloh was an actual dog–a female, really, though I changed it to male in my books.  When I first found her, she acted so frightened, afraid even to let me touch her, and we could tell she had been mistreated somewhere along the line.  I don’t know anything about her background or what her name was originally, but after our friends adopted her and named her Clover, they said she was the happiest dog in West Virginia.

Posted on: October 20, 2017



Hi I liked the Shiloh book thanks for making it.

Phyllis replied:

You’re welcome!

Posted on: October 18, 2017

I loved your book


I am a student here at Van Buren Elemantary I am in 5th grade I here to tell you that I loved your book Shiloh. I going to read the rest of them. I hope you keep on writing books. Have a great day.

Phyllis replied:

I will keep on writing books, but I’ve finished writing about Shiloh, even though they were some of the books I liked writing best.  There are just too many more ideas swimming around in my head.

Posted on: October 18, 2017

Shiloh is awesome!


The book about Shiloh is sooo awesome thank you soo much for making it.

Phyllis replied:

I had a really good time writing that book.

Posted on: October 18, 2017

Shiloh books


SHILOH IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :

Phyllis replied:

So happy that you liked it!


Posted on: October 18, 2017

Shiloh book and movie


I love your book and movie. I just finished watching the movie and finished reading the book. I am in a fifth grade class and as a class we did this.

Phyllis replied:

A lot of classes are doing this,  comparing the book and the movie.  What a great idea!


Posted on: October 18, 2017


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