Your Questions Answered

Sooo funny!



Hello I love your books!! I read them all the time!! They are ssoo funny!!


Phyllis replied:


And so much fun to write!

Posted on: October 3, 2009

Elizabeth’s First Pelvic!

I just read a recent response you wrote, saying that many girls going to college are bringing their Alice books. I am writing to say that it is the case with me, too! I have a little crate under my bed, and whenever I am feeling homesick or sad, I turn to Alice and she always makes me feel at home. I’ve read every book at least 3 times each, and it is wonderful to revisit some memories while in a new environment. I just finished “Achingly Alice” and forgot how monumental Elizabeth’s first pelvic was! I especially love the part where the girls are looking at the douche in the bathroom and when Lester goes in, he “gallantly” hands them the nozzle! Thank you for giving me a home away from home!
Phyllis replied:
That was a favorite part for me too, and was fun to write.  I’m so glad that Alice gives you a “home away from home.”
Posted on: October 3, 2009

She May Be One of My Favorites

Hi Mrs. Naylor. I have written to you many times in the past, and I was reading Alice Alone, when I realized, that I like Penny! In some fan letters I was reading on your site, some people were saying how mad they were at Penny for stealing Patrick, but he liked her too, and I can see why. She is so fun loving, and easy going. I mean, don’t get me wrong, Alice is wonderful, and I feel for her when she goes through the tough times, and I almost cried, in Intensly Alice when she said ‘Oh Daddy,——is dead.’ But I’m just saying, you were really smart to think her up, and she may be one of my favorties, because she never rubbed her going out with Patrick in Alice’s face, so if anyone had to go outwith him, I’m glad it was Penny.
Phyllis replied:
She’s one of those girls who has so much going for her that she’s easy to dislike, and yet there’s really no reason not to like her.  Thanks for writing.
Posted on: September 29, 2009

In Tears, the Next



I am almost 24 years old now and i still read and buy every Alice book that comes out.  I discovered the series sometime when I was in middle school-and so was Alice.  Never have i read books that can make me laugh out loud one chapter and have me in tears the next (which, by the way, Intensely Alice did).  The great thing about the Alice series is that everyone can find themselves in Alice. I have seen bits of myself in her as i have grown, and still do today!  While I was in middle school, high school, and even when I was in college and today as a college grad I turn to the Alice books for a good laugh and great perspective on life.  You write about things that other books made for teenagers don’t, and I love it! I am already eager to read the next book next summer, and am excited and nervous to see the series eventually come to a close. I want you to know how great it is that you write these books, because I truly think that Alice helps girls everywhere feel better about themselves.  Please never stop writing! You and Alice are an inspiration to girls everywhere!


Phyllis replied:


I love hearing from women who have been following the Alice series for most of their lives.  You really made my day.  Thanks so much for your letter.

Posted on: September 28, 2009

Thank You



Thanks for making my life a whole lot better by writing Alice. She is my hero, and you rae too


Phyllis replied:


I appreciate your comments very much.

Posted on: September 27, 2009

I Read It as Slowly as I Can

When i read an alice book I read it as slowly as I can. Im a fast reader so its kind of hard to do that. I just finished Intensly Alice and couldnt help but wonder what movitated or inspired you to write a book series that captures many hearts.


Phyllis replied:


I only intended to write the first book–about a motherless girl who is looking for a role model.  It was the readers who wrote to me who convinced me to turn that book into a series.

Posted on: September 27, 2009

I Never Had the Guts to Write This….



Hi, I’m pretty sure I’m your biggest fan. I’ve loved your books ever since 3rd grade(?). I’m not sure when I first started reading them, I do know I’ve read the Alice books throughout her life, and throughout mine. I’m now a junior in high school and ever since I found out you had a new book come out every year, and I finished every book you wrote about Alice, I rush to the bookstore to buy a copy around May, and check every week to find the new copy. I live in Maryland also, and in sixth grade my mom kept trying to get me out of school to get to meet you, at a possible book signing or something, but we couldn’t find any schedules, I guess you don’t do that. I’m now moving because of the awful economy, and my mom and I had to downsize to 1/3 of our stuff, meaning I could only keep a few of my books, and I’m a huge reader so this was a big disappointment. The only books I kept were the Alice books, every single copy. Thanks so much for writing these books, they helped me get through times, I’m a very klutzy person, laughing with Alice was a lot easier than watching people laugh at me for my klutziness. My favorite was definitely the one where Alice was a camp counselor. I used to read your site everyday to find out about upcoming books, or about you, to see how you wrote so well (I used to want to be a writer), and I loved how when one mom wrote how a book was inappropriate you simply told her you’re not going to change how you write, she doesn’t have to let her daughter read it. Anyway, sorry I ranted on so much about all this, I’ve just always wanted to write a letter to you or meet you in person, I respect you a lot for writing so well and hilarious. I’ve never really had the guts to write this–you’re a celebrity to me. It’d mean so much to me if you wrote back to this, or let me know you read it somehow, you definitely don’t have to. But keep writing Alice books forever. By the way, before I read Alice, before I could even read out loud, my mom would always read to me the “Boys” “Girls” books, I’m not sure if they have a specific name, the ones like “The Traitor Among the Boys”. Thanks again for reading this!


Phyllis replied:


Well, I’m glad you finally got up the nerve to write, because I’m just a person who loves to create stories, and I live a very ordinary life.  And I’m happy that you enjoyed the “boys/versus/girls” books…  We never actually titled that series, but people seem to know which books I’m talking about.  I’m sorry that you have to downsize and get rid of some of your books, but I’m so very flattered that you kept the Alice series.  I hear from college students who have taken their Alice books along with them, so I can understand you’d want to save them.  Every reader seems to have his/her own favorite.  To me, they all sort of run together in one big story.  Thank you for taking the time to write to me.  The next speaking and book-signing I do will be at the P0litics and Prose bookstore on Connecticut Avenue in D.C.  on Nov. 12.  But I will be talking about a new book titled “Faith,  Hope and Ivy June,” not the Alice books.

Posted on: September 27, 2009

The High Points of Alice’s Life



I read on the website that the last book will come out in 2013 and will cover all of the high points in Alice’s life, but I was wondering how long the book will be. Will there be a chapter for every year in her life, or just maybe two chapters for every big event. And will you include important events of her life. Like her wedding, having kids, getting a divorce (but not that!!!), or event having Ben, Sylvia, or Lester die  (but not that either!!!)


Phyllis replied:


It will be a longer book than usual, and will include the most important events of her life. 

Posted on: September 27, 2009

I Don’t Think I Will be Able to Take It

Yeah, I go on your website 3 times a day. I was wondering if you could help me out on these to things.(well, 3 actually!) 
1. I have a miniature Dachshund, ans she is 9, will be 10 on MAY 14!!!!!!!!! alices b-day too! anyway, when she dies I dont think I will be abe to take it because she is my first dog.
2. I have these to girls in my class who seam to hate me when i have done absolutely nothing to them. uuugggghhh
3. Where can i reach you to get your autograph?
Have a good day! and i just finished 3 alice books yesterday. sometimes I set a day aside and just get all your books and see how far I get:)

Phyllis replied:
I can’t send an autograph unless you tell me your full name and complete address, including your zip code.  Please repeat your request in your email.  As for your dog, you will be able to stand it if she dies.  It will hurt, and you’ll cry, and you’ll wonder if you’ll ever get over the sadness, but you will.  A strong emotion eventually plays itself out, and you’ll remember mostly the good times.  As for the girls who seem to hate you, welcome to…what…middle school?  Girls who are feeling insecure often choose a “victim”–someone they can consider immature or unsophisticated or not cool, or whatever they are feeling about themselves.  Your best bet is to ignore it if you can.  If someone tells you that those girls are gossiping about you, shrug and say, “What can I say?”  Don’t try to get even, don’t act hurt, defend yourself calmly when you are accused of something, and work hard to make friends with other girls whom you can trust.  One of my granddaughters, who just started ninth grade, is thinking about having a “new-friends” party, in which she and her little circle of friends each invites a new girl to expand the group.  I think this is a great idea, and something you might want to consider.
Posted on: September 27, 2009

What is my Problem?

Hi Mrs. Naylor. I am a huge fan of your books, but right now I really need some advice. I am seriously so depressed, I feel like jumping off a bridge, I’m so depressed, so here’s why: I have been in love with a guy for a strait year and a half. Let’s call him John. (I’m 13 he’s 14).John sometimes hangs out with the group I hang out with, and he’s always nice to me, but never flirts like he does with my pretty friends. So today we were all just talking, and he’s a little nasty, so he was saying how if any girl in this room was naked he would want to have sex with them. Then John looks strait at me and says, “Except with you, no offense.” I seriously wanted to die. Then to make thigns worse, John turns to my friend and says, “I’ll give you a dollar if you sit on my lap.” I guess he always gives little signs he doesn’t like me, but it’s not just that. No guys ever ask me out. Well except the nerdy ones. I mean, how can a guy ever like me if John doesn’t? I swear I’m going to grow up lonely and boyfriendless. I always thought I was kinda pretty, but I guess I’m not. A horny guy doesn’t even want to do me??? What is my problam?? Please help, I am so depressed. Thank you.


Phyllis replied:

Your problem is that you are 13, naturally wondering how you appear to other people–especially guys–and you’ve let a stupid remark by a thoughtless guy represent all the guys you’re ever going to meet in your life.  Okay.  If some guy said that about me, I would be hurt too.  First rule of growing up: accept the fact that not every guy you meet is going to be turned on by you; second rule of growing up: accept that some guys who are turned on by you will be guys that don’t especially appeal; rule number three of growing up: realize that some guys who don’t appeal to you now may look very attractive to you once they are a year or two older, or you get to know them better.   All of us–even you–will, at some time in your life, make a thoughtless remark, a joke, a wisp of a thought that you say out loud, and wonder later how you ever could have said it.  I remember being 15, sitting and talking with some girlfriends, and one of them was jokingly predicting what each of us would be doing ten years hence, and in what order we would marry.  Of one girl she said, “except Chris (not her name); she’ll be teaching school.”  I still remember the hurt look on Chris’s face.  I saw her years later at a high school reunion–married, of course, with children.  Please, please, please cross John off your list.  And please don’t be the desperate kind of girl who will “do” the first guy who does want to sleep with you, just to prove to yourself that you are sexy.   You said that you always considered yourself “kinda pretty.”  Go with that, and don’t let one guy, who has only been out of diapers for a dozen years, affect your self-esteem.

Posted on: September 27, 2009


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