Your Questions Answered

The Beatles, per chance?


Hello! I’m Shelbee, and I looove your books. I really feel like I’ve grown up with your characters. I was wondering…are Lester’s roomates Paul and George any reference to the Beatles per chance? Thank you for taking the time to read and reply 🙂

Phyllis replied:

Oh, that’s funny.  Nope.  Didn’t have those guys in mind at all.

Posted on: July 1, 2009

Appropriate for a 12-Year-Old?




I really enjoy your alice books and want to finish the whole series. I was wondering if dangerously alice is appropriate for a 12-year old? I just want to make sure if it is okay for me to read it. please reply.

Phyllis replied:

Your parents would probably appreciate it if you waited until you were 14 .  But if you were my daughter, I’d allow you to read it.

Posted on: July 1, 2009

Two Questions

I am a big fan of your alice books, there are amazing and i can’t wait for Alice in Charge next year. I have two questions though. What will books 26 and 27 be called ? And in what book does Patrick kiss Alice in the cuboard on halloween?

Phyllis replied:

I’m sorry that I don’t know right off in what book Patrick kisses Alice in the closet.  I’d have to do some searching, and I have a long list of emails to get to.  Perhaps another reader will answer and I’ll put it on this page.  As for books #26 and #27, I haven’t titled them yet, and won’t until I get around to writing them.

Posted on: July 1, 2009

Wrong and Confusing


Im a huge fan of all th Alice book, but am horrified at the movie “Alice upside down”!!! it was all wrong and confusing.
the characters look nothing like you discribded them, and it mixed up scenes from different books so the plot didnt make sense!
They also made my favorite character( aunt sally) seem so mean! in case they make another movie could you check to see if the film is like the book please!

Phyllis replied:

I’m sorry that you were disappointed in the movie, but making sure that the movie is like the book is not the way movies are done.  When a producer buys the movie rights to a book, he is free to go in whatever direction he likes.  He may decide to stick closely to the original plot.  He may decide to base his film on only some aspect of the book.  He can change the characters around.  As I’ve said frequently on this page, you need to watch the movie as a separate thing, apart from the book.  He wanted to appeal to a wide audience, so he changed the race of some of the characters; he added things that weren’t there; he used a younger actor for Lester and an older actress for Alice; he simply used “The Agony of Alice” as the starting place and took off from there.  I would have done some things differently had I been the producer, and I did ask that some of the scenes be changed, and they were.  But basically this is the way the producer and director saw the film, and they had the right to do it their way.

Posted on: July 1, 2009

How Can I Get Over This?


Hi. I’m Sarah–so today, I understand Michael Jackson died, and at first, I was all hyper. I’d been acting all optimistic about it, because I know he’s in heaven now and he’s safe and at peace away from all the bad stuff that he’s had to go through in his life. But now that I’ve been watching and listening and hearing about him on the television and the radio all the day with my family,I don’t know, I just feel so crushed all of a sudden. Like, inside of me, I keep thinking to myself “Michael Jackson is really dead”, and it’s like, more surreal and unrealistic everytime. I mean, I didn’t even know him, I don’t even live in America, but he was still such a big part of my life. My family has listened and loved his music forever, and him, he was such a great person, so now… I was all smiley this morning when I found out, all chirpy and calling my brother dumb for being so sullen, but I can’t even describe how I feel inside now. I feel horrible, and I can’t help thinking, will I feel this bad when someone I actually know and love even more dies? And how can I get over this?

Phyllis replied:

There are some things you just have to go through–you can’t hurry it along or jump over it, and grief is one of them.  When you feel really sad about it, let yourself cry.  When you want to talk about it, call a friend.  The thing about strong emotion is that our brains usually can’t sustain it for a long period of time. It’s the same with excitement or great happiness.  Most of the time our bodies just want contentment, which is why the excitement of Christmas or our first kiss or our getting the lead in a play isn’t sustained at the peak…it cools down a bit to keep us functioning.  The same is true of sadness.  After a while we concentrate more on the cheerful aspects, and this will happen to you too.

Posted on: July 1, 2009

Takes Forever


hey phyllis i’m trying to get intensely alice but it takes forever for the book to get to me i read your fan mails about someone dying in the book and it’s a he it better not be patrick or ben or is it that just makes me want to read it even more please reply asap!

Phyllis replied:

It’s frustrating, I know, when people are talking about a book and you haven’t been able to get it yet.  I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you any more about it.  Isn’t there a kind friend who will lend you a book?  Ask your public librarian if she can’t borrow it from another library.  If it’s reserved, however, and there is a waiting list, you’ll probably just have to be patient.

Posted on: June 30, 2009

Twelve Books in Two Weeks




Im currently a sophomore in high school.  I have a great passion for the Alice series. One year for Christmas I recieved twelve Alice books and read them within a two week time period. Last night I read Intensly Alice and couldn’t put it down until I finished it.  Alice’s life is so much like my own, so I take advice from her and it helps me with certain situations. Alice isnt a character to me she is an inspiration and she makes me feel like im not alone.

Phyllis Replied:

Someone must really love you to give you twelve Alice books at one time.  Intensely Alice seems to be a favorite.  I’m glad you liked it. 

Posted on: June 30, 2009

I Would Just Die



Phyllis replied:

I really can’t tell you.  Please do read the book.

Posted on: June 30, 2009

I Want the Real Answer


As you may have noticed, I have e-mailed you many times in the past. My name is Emily, and I have devoured every Alice book you have read with delight including your latest, Intensely Alice. I have heard many rumors but I just want to know one thing, will there be another Alice book after Intensely Alice? I’ve heard that this is your last book and I’ve heard that books will come after that one and I just want to know the real answer. Please reply. As you have already noticed, I am a BIG fan of yours and Alice.
Phyllis replied:

Here is the real answer.  The very last book, #28, “Always Alice,” is already written but it’s not been submitted.  It’s sitting here in a fireproof box in my office, with instructions to my sons, in case I check out early, to send it immediately to my publisher.  The book coming out next year, “Alice in Charge,” is book # 25.  I still have books # 26 and #27 to write, and don’t have titles for them yet.  So there will be four more books to read after “Intensely Alice,” unless I get hit by a bread truck or something, and I’ll try not to let that happen.


Posted on: June 24, 2009

Best Decision I Could Have Made

Your alice series is amazing, i will start out by saying this. none of my friends read them, i’m sorry to say, they mostly read the more “popular” books such as twilight and the clique and gossip girls series and those books.
I discovered Alice in the 3rd grade. although i hate trying to be like others, i wanted to be like this one girl in my class. she read Alice in blunderland from our school library, and since i was trying to be like her, i checked it out as soon as she was finished with it. i think that was the best decision i could have made as a third grader. as sooon as i was finished with that, i read starting with alice. when i re-read them now they seem so childish, but when i think back, i realize that was how i was like at that point in time.
now, i read more. though it’s summer, before i go to sleep, i read. alice has gotten me to read more and more.
i read intensely alice in one day, actually, in a few hours. it’s short compared to the thick books i read now, but it was great, and i plan on re-reading it sometime. i didn’t cry when the person died, as alot of people did. the time span of the death was short, it came as a shock. …..  Iexpected brian to be the one to die, as he was the most careless of the group, in my opinion.
anyways, i enjoyed intensely alice very much!
 Phyllis replied:
As you can tell, I left out some of your email because it gave away too much.  But I appreciate your letter, and love to know that you read the earlier books about Alice.  It’s fun to follow a character all through her life.

Posted on: June 24, 2009


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