Your Questions Answered



My English teacher has assigned us a censorship project. We were given a list of banned/challenged books and we had to choose one to do a report over, explaining why it was banned/challenged and giving our viewpoint on the book and censorship. I am a HUGE fan of your Alice series, so I chose the Alice series. I was wondering what your viewpoint is on your books being challenged or banned?

 Phyllis replied:
Of course I wish that none of my books were banned or censored, but the strange thing is that whenever this happens, the book sells many more copies.  The fact is that there are so many sensitive issues to so many different groups of people, that if every book was taken off the shelves that might offend someone, then any book that dealt with death, abortion, divorce, Halloween, sex, witches, holidays, pork, coed swimming, movies, makeup, homosexuality, violence, devils, alcohol, drugs, etc. etc. etc. would have to go.  Some people feel that books for children and young people should always be inspirational, and that the characters should never do anything of which the reader might not approve.  Writers write from the heart.  We write about life as it is in many cases, as well as life as it could be, or once was.  And the day that we all sit down to write the novel that will offend absolutely no one, will be the day that literature dies.
Posted on: October 8, 2010

Does this Mean Anything?

So there’s this guy at my school
& I really like him,but he talks trash about me behind
my back,but he stares at me for a t least 7 seconds.
Usually when a guy teases or is mean to a girl is because he
likes her.
I’m not sure if he likes me or if he’s just being rude.
Boys will be boys.
My friend says that he is a jerk.
Does this mean anything?
I hope you can answer!:)
By the way I love your “Alice” book series. 🙂
Phyllis replied:
I guess it means that you like guys who are rude and talk trash about you behind your back.  I’m wondering what THAT means?
Posted on: October 8, 2010

Writing More?

The Alice books are my favorite series ever!!!!!
I love how you put so many situations that you could have happen in your life in the books
I was wondering if you would be writeing anymore?
Phyllis replied:
I’m working on # 27 right now, but don’t have a title yet.  The very last book, #28, will be published in 2013.

Posted on: October 8, 2010

Don’t Want to Hurt Her Feelings


I am a sophomore in high school, and I’m also a REALLY big fan of your alice series.

I have a typical question, so if you have time, please reply back. Well, there is this guy that I really really like, but he is a senior, and one of my friends who went out with him still likes him but doesn’t want to go back out with him. He is one of my friends, and he is always super nice to me and gives me hugs. And some of my friends think he’s flirting with me, but I highly doubt it. What should I do? I dont’t want to tell my friend because she might hate me, but I don’t want to hurt her feelings either.

Phyllis replied:


She has a copyright on him or something?  What’s up with her not wanting to go out with him but not wanting anyone else to either?   Perhaps you were telling me that he broke up with her and she still likes him and dreams about getting back together.  If this is the case, I can see your reluctance.  Since you like him and he seems to like you, and right now you just have a f riendly relationship, why don’t you just continue as you are and see what happens?  If things get more serious and your girlfriend asks about it, tell her that you started out as friends, and it’s developing into something more.  You can’t shield her forever from life; not everyone likes everyone else, and when a couple breaks up, there is usually one person more hurt than the other.  Tell her this may happen to her someday, and she’ll be in the same position you are now.

Posted on: September 25, 2010

But He Already Has a Girlfriend

    I love your alice books of course, but i have a situation. maybe you could help?
So there is this guy, lets call him alex, in my history class. we had to do this assignment and we could have partners. i didnt know anyone in that class so i was just planning on being alone. but then he came accross the room and asked me to be his parner! that probably dosent sound like a big deal to you but it was for me cus i don’t even know him and he has lots of friends in that class from football that he could have asked. so anyway, we really hit it off and we talk all the time. then one day i was reading the school newspapper and he jokingley took it away and then started reading me stuff. then he showed me this article and goes “my girlfriend wrote this one”. i didnt know he had a girlfriend so i was pretty sad. tonight we had our homecoming game so we dressed up for school. at the end of class we were talking and he asked me to fix his blue and gold bandana (our school colors) so i did and i fixed his hair and we were so close and it was great! like all the girls in my class were watching with jelousy which was amazing. i have never had a guy flirt with me much, i have just stepped out of that akward stage and now i have so much more confidence. so anyway, i looked at pics of him and his girl on facebook, and they are so cute together and she is so pretty! i am so jelous. but he seems to send me mixed signals. Why is he so flirty if he has a girlfriend? they have been going out for a year. it almost makes me cry when i see “i love you brittany!” on his profile and pics of them holding hands. sorry for going off like this, i just spilled my guts. anyway, i would love it if you wrote back!
Phyllis replied:
I think it’s obvious that he likes you, and it’s also quite possible that he still loves his girlfriend.  Or perhaps he’s cooling on his girlfriend and is finding his attraction to you pretty interesting.  It’s hard, I know, when you get mixed signals.  You don’t want to be a third party messing up a relationship, but you don’t want to turn off a guy who might be your next boyfriend.  Stay friendly but not flirtatious, and if he gets to the point of asking you out, ask him quite openly how things stand with him and his girlfriend; tell him that you don’t want to cause trouble between them.  You have that right. 
Posted on: September 25, 2010

Facing a Bully


I have a huge concern and I wonder if you could help me:
i  luv highschool. I am a sophmore, and I have tons of friends and many boys like me. I love my classes, and weekends are always fun. For the first two weeks of school i had never been so happy. well theres this girl, I’ll pretend her name is Bree, and she hates me very much. she hates lots of ppl and has beat up many people but she HATES me the most I am sure. When I walk into a room, she laughs to her friend, when i stand up, she shouts GROSS, and she tells everyone she’s going to kick my ass. I have asked her why she hated me very politely, and she said she wasnt going to tell me, and just made more fun of me with her friends. I am scared of her so badly, and I want to move somewhere far away jsut because of her. I have ignored her, and asked her why she hated me. there is nothing left to do. I would be so happy if it werent for this. there is no option for me to go to another school, and i think she is turning people agaist me, because today when i was walking home, a group of girls drove by in their car, and one shouted out ‘Fuck You’ in the meanest voice I had ever heard. It is making me more derpessed, and the sad part is I would be SO happy if it werent for them! I feel liek I’m the only girl in the school this is happening to. I dont even focus on friends or family anymore because I’m so nervous at what she’ll pull next, or what if the girls in the car had stopped and did something? maybe next time they will. And if i tell the school, these girls will fight back harder! you dont mess with bree. Well sorry if this is wasting your time, but i am very disturbed and woulkd like to enjoy sophmore year with peace of mind. mayeb u could help. Thanks 

Phyllis replied:


I agree–this IS a huge concern, and I truly wish I had an answer.  This is a problem for many girls in many schools, and there doesn’t have to be a real reason they pick onyou–they just want someone to take their anger out on, to feel superior to, to hassle, and if you can’t go to your counselor or principal, I don’t know what you should do.  Have you discussed this with your parents or any adult at all?   If you have a ton of friends, where are they in all of this?  Do they stand up for  you and support you?  Walk home with you? If other readers have faced this and found a solution that worked, we would love to hear from you.  I welcome any teacher with experience of this sort to write and offer suggestions.  It is frightening when a student feels there is nothing she can do, nor anyone she can talk to about bullying.  I will print other replies that we might receive.


Posted on: September 23, 2010

“I Like Him, He Likes Her”

i wanted to ask u a few questions about the book.

 whats the climax of the story
whats the resolution and falling action in the story?
i wanted to know before i read the book.
Phyllis replied:
No, I think you wanted the answers before you started your homework.  Sorry, I don’t explain my books so that you don’t have to read them.
Posted on: September 23, 2010

Changed His Mind?


okay so there’s this guy that I’ve been talking to that’s in one of my classes, and last week he suggested to one of our mutual friends that him, her, me and one other friend should all hang out this weekend, and told her that he would get my number and to put in a good word for him. then today he could barely talk to me and was acting kind of weird today when I saw him; he was talking to her normally but it seemed like he wasn’t talking to me the way he usually does. my friend told him to ask me about this weekend, and all he said was “I’ll get to it” but didn’t! what’s the deal?! do you think he changed his mind?

Phyllis replied:


Certainly seems that way, but it could be for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with you:  his parents may have other plans for him; the things he was originally thinking about doing may not have worked out; he may be short of money; the whole thing may seem more awkward than he’d imagined; the fourth friend backed out, etc. etc.  What you need to do–if you like him–is to stay friendly, don’t question him, treat it lightly–no big deal.  The more comfortable you can help him feel–whatever the reason the weekend didn’t happen–the better your chance that he’ll ask you out some other time.

Posted on: September 23, 2010

The Alice Titles


I love your Alice books so much! I have read every one from Alice in Blunderland to Alice in Charge!
Me and my 2 best friends read all of them at the same time and if one of us gets to a good part then we call the other two or talk on the computer about it, or talk about at school! I buy every single Alice book and keep them all on their own special shelf by themselves because they are my favourites!!

I can’t possibly wait until the next Alice book comes out!!   Never ever stop wrighting, Phillis!  

Phyllis replied:

I do hope you’ve read the very, very first Alice book–Starting with Alice.   You are a real fan.

Posted on: September 20, 2010

New friends/old friends

hey i just gotta say that i love and adore your books especially your “alice series”
well i have one question im a freshmen in highschool and i do kind of enjoy it
im hanging with this new group but havent felt completly “In” yet you know cause 
during my summer i told this person that i didnt want to be her friend anymore and she turn everyone againest me
a couple weeks ago i told her i was sorry and like she forgave me and we give each other a friendly hug…but after that
i pass her in the halls and give a wave and smile she looks at me and rolls her eyes….so i decided that i still wasnt forgiven
and had to be still stick with my other group of “friends” but deep inside i miss my old friends …i know everything happens for a reason
but you think there is anyway i can have my old friends back and be more comfy with the group im with now.
Phyllis replied:
How long did it take you when you first made friends with your old group?  I’ll bet it took awhile, and that you weren’t great friends right from the beginning.  Get to know the people in your new group–doing things and going places with them.  Get to know each one individually.  As for the friend who seems to snub you, she’s obviously still hurting from your earlier rejection of her, and unfortunately, you can’t undo what you’ve said.  But you’ve apologized and she knows you want to be friends, so now she’s probably giving you a taste of how lonely it felt for her.   My advice is not to pursue it, but continue to be friendly without being needy.  Smile and say hello without waiting for the eye roll and keep moving.  Give your new friends a chance and your old friends time to get over your mistake.
Posted on: September 20, 2010


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