Your Questions Answered

Hooked on Your Series


The first Alice book I ever read was Alice in Blunderland, and since I have become hooked on your series. I love reading books in general, but your series in one that has permanently touched my heart and that I will always love. I’ve yet to read the last book, Almost Alice, but I just know it’ll be awesome. I’ve learned a lot from the Alice books. My mom and dad are not together, and even though I have three sisters, I also have six brothers, so I feel like I can relate to Alice a lot of the time. The characters are so genuine I didn’t at first know a grown woman wrote the books (I mean that respectfully) and I just think it would be so awesome if you were my mother or aunt or something!
In ending, I will always be a loyal reader of your Alice series!!! Oh, and thank you for bringing Patrick and Alice back together in Dangerously Alice. Best thing that happened ever!!!

Phyllis replied:

There’s still a lot more to happen before I end the series with book #28.  I hope you will like Intensely Alice, coming in June.

Posted on: May 5, 2009



I just wanted to say how much i love your alice books! I have your signed poster hanging in my room, my friends always [jokeingly] tease me about it :). I really love the books, when applying for an academics camp this summer i was required to write an essay about my favorite author. I wrote about you, and got in! Thanks for the great books, im excited for intensley alice. Best of luck in your future writing

Phyllis replied:

I’m so glad that you like them.  Hope you will like Intensely Alice just as much.

Posted on: May 5, 2009

Are You Coming to Wisconsin?


I really love the Alice series. i have just started reading it, and i am already on “Dangerously Alice”. you are quite a good writer. you get details that some authors forget, and you can connect with your female readers. i am happy to say, you are a smashing success at my school library. i have to wait for a month to get “Almost Alice”. i have a question, are you ever coming to wisconsin for a book signing? i would really like to get a book signed by you. well, i have to get to writing my own novel. Love your books.

Phyllis replied:

Thanks so much for your letter.  There are no plans at present to come to Wisconsin for a book signing.  There are just too many deadlines to deal with right now.   You can always mail a book to me to sign, with a return mailer and postage, or simply a book plate with instructions for what you would like me to write.  Intensely Alice will be coming out next month, and I’ll be curious to know your reaction to it.

Posted on: May 4, 2009

What Do You Say When You Receive Criticism?


I can’t remember the first time I started reading your books and since your series has continued for so long, I sometimes wonder if you fall into time issues. Do you have a specific year in mind when you wrote Almost Alice? I can tell it’s definitely past the late 90s but Alice’s life isn’t high-tech enough for me to think it takes place in the present. What do you say when you receive criticisms about Alice’s story? People have often said it is becoming outdated for today’s teenagers and Pamela’s plot in Almost Alice was tied up too easily. What is your opinion?

Phyllis replied:

I take criticism seriously but I don’t worry a lot about it.  Many times the comment is correct.  Alice probably isn’t as high-tech as many or most teenagers, and you’ll notice I don’t use current slang or dwell too much on fashion.  I’m simply much more concerned about emotional issues, relationships, the problems she faces in her family or at school.  Each book as I write it takes place today.  And since I hear from readers in big cities, in rural Wyoming, in Britain, Australia, Germany, Indonesia and many other countries, the stories probably ring true enough for most cultures and economic brackets.  Yes, Pamela’s plot was, fortunately for her, resolved, but Pamela has always been a small girl, and at the time of her pregnancy she was run down.  It’s very possible she would abort.  Not something to count on, however.

Posted on: May 4, 2009

The Pelvic Exam that Freaked me Out!

Can I just say that your Alice books are the BEST!
When I read them it feels like I am watching TV it’s so easy to picture things when I read Alice books!  When I read your books it’s like everything around me doesn’t exist. Once I read like six of your books in one day! The quickest I have read a one of the Alice books is 15 minutes I think.I tell all my friends what I learn from Alice sometimes they say I never one want to go through that! I think the one they were most freaked out about was the pelvic exam that freaked me out so much! I wish the series would never end. 
Phyllis replied:
You read one of my books in 15 minutes?????  I’m glad you like them.  Right now I’m working on the very last chapter of the Alice book that will come out next year.  At the moment I’m calling it “Alice in Charge.”
Posted on: May 4, 2009



I don’t know how to write fan mail to you I looked every where on the blog. But I see all these other fan mails but I can’t figure out how to write to you. Could you please tell me how thanks.


Phyllis replied:

You just did.  All you have to do is write to me at and, unless you ask me not to, I will post your email, or part of your email, on this fan mail page (without your name) along with my response. Thanks for asking this question, because a number of readers have been confused about how to send a fan letter or ask a question.

Posted on: May 3, 2009



Thank you for your answer!
I didn’t expect that you would answer! So thank you.
I wrote to the Loewe-Verlag today, that’s the publisher from the Alice books in germany, now I have to expect an answer too…
I also love writing books, but I have now idea, can you give me a tip, what is important?


Phyllis replied:

I wish I had time to answer this request, but many readers ask for tips.  Please go back to the home page of this website and look up FAQ.  I’ve written whole books about writing, and you may also want to check out “How I Came to be Writer” or “The Craft of Writing the Novel.”

Posted on: May 1, 2009


” Why did you choose Alice’s mom to be dead?and because of cancer??”
Phyllis replied:
I’m not sure why the idea came to me in that way.  I wanted to write about a girl looking for a role model, and if her mother was alive, then I would have to go into the relationship she had with her mother, and that wouldn’t be exactly what I wanted to do.  Also, I found I could get a lot of humor out of having Alice bring all of her questions about life and love to her dad and older brother.  It seemed to work.  I’m not sure why I chose cancer, but I didn’t want it to be a sudden death, so cancer seemed the best choice.
Posted on: May 1, 2009



I’m  a german girl and I really like reading your books!! I found your internet side and I saw, that there are more books in English than in German. 
Do you know, when they are going to be translated? There would be so more important facts!! It’s so scary and I often read your books several times. 


Phyllis replied:

I know that many of the Alice books have been translated into German but not all of them.  The best thing you could do would be to write to the German publisher, giving the titles or numbers of the books you have, and ask if their company is going to publish any more Alice books and when you might expect them.  I’m glad you enjoy them so much.  So far Britain, Japan, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Israel, Denmark, Turkey, Poland and Indonesia have purchased and published some of the Alice books.

Posted on: April 29, 2009


How can I get you to come to my home???
I live in the Netherlands.
So could you send me the Alice movie???
Phyllis replied:
Sorry, but I’m working on the next Alice manuscript right now.  I’m afraid I can’t send out free books or movies. 
Posted on: April 27, 2009


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