Shiloh Blog

A new Shiloh movie?


I love reading the shiloh books and watching the movies. I got A Shiloh Christmas book this past christmas. Enjoyed reading the new book. Can’t wait to see if A Shiloh Christmas gets to have a movie 🙂


Phyllis replied:

I hope there will be another movie too, but making a movie takes a long time–writing a screenplay, auditioning the cast, rehearsals, funding…. but anything could happen.

Posted on: August 26, 2017

How Can I Get an Autographed Copy?

Ihope you can help me with a surprise for the woman I love. While getting to know my girlfriend she mentioned happy moments during her childhood and that her favorite book of all time was your book Shiloh. After searching near and far I stumbled across your site and wanted to see if there was anyway I could get a signed copy for her? It would mean the world to her and would be an amazing way for me to share her love of reading.  I thank you in advance and truly look forward to hearing from you 🙂


Phyllis replied:


I often get these requests and am glad to do it.  My contract does not allow me to sell books myself, so you need to purchase the book you want–hardcover or paperback–and mail it to me, at 401 Russell Ave., Apt. 713, Gaithersburg, MD, 20877, along with a self-addressed, stamped mailer to get it back to you.  Make sure you repeat the name of the person you are giving it to, so I can autograph it correctly.  You can purchase the book directly from my website,

Posted on: August 20, 2017



One of the reasons I like your Shiloh series is it seems to reach the heart and provide good lessons. I am wondering if you have a series, or could recommend a series, of books that could help children learn to overcome past heartbreak while recognizing the love they are being given while building/ encouraging self esteem and teaching respect. This world of technology is sometimes a gift and other times a burden. I am hoping to find a series that can be read among the children that is enjoyable and engaging.. I tried to read a little about the Alice series and think this may be good for the girls (ages 5, 10, 12), but want to be sure they are age appropriate moving through the series.  Thanks for the great Shiloh series and for any recommendations you may have.

Phyllis replied:

I’ve written a number of series books, but SHILOH is obviously the best for the reasons you’ve mentioned.  Just helping children become better readers so they are exposed to the way others live, and the problems others face will help them know that they are not alone.  Another series of mine that is very popular among 4th, 5th, and 6th graders is the Boys/versus/girls books–12 books beginning with THE BOYS START THE WAR and THE GIRLS GET EVEN–and ending with WHO WON THE WAR?  (See these listed on my website– ) These take place in the imaginary town of Buckman, West Virginia (really Buckhannon, where my husband grew up).   These are simply fun books to read–two families learning to get along with each other.  The Alice series is another, but as she gets slightly older in each book, a five year-old would enjoy the first two books in the series, but perhaps should wait a few years before she reads the third.  Sometimes an adult reading the first book aloud to a child or group of children will inspire them to read the rest of a series by themselves.

Posted on: July 29, 2017

Shiloh Questions


The third and fourth grade reading class at Our Lady of Mercy School in Potomac, MD would like to know if you will ever write another book featuring the character Shiloh. We would also like to know if you still live in Bethesda, since that is close to our school and perhaps we can meet you one day. We really enjoyed your book, Shiloh. We read it during our summer reading class. Also, if we want to send you handwritten letters, what address can we send them to? We are excited to hear back from you!

Phyllis replied:

Yes, there are three more books in the Shiloh quartet:  Shiloh Season, Saving Shiloh, and A Shiloh Christmas.   They form a continued story, so it’s best to read them in that order.  I live in Gaithersburg now, and you can send your letters to me at 401 Russell Avenue, Apt. 713, Gaithersburg, MD, 20877.  Please send your school address, however, not individual addresses if you want a reply.

Posted on: July 29, 2017

A Shiloh Christmas


Any chance of A Shiloh Christmas movie?

Phyllis replied:

The director is thinking about it….

Posted on: July 19, 2017

Are the books true?


I was wondering if all of the Shiloh books are true😁.and was Marty real?


Phyllis replied:

Only the fact that I found such a dog in Shiloh, West Virginia.  All the rest is made up, including the characters.

Posted on: June 14, 2017

Mailing letters to the author


My students have written letters about Shiloh. As their teacher I need a mailing address to send them, please.


Phyllis replied:


Letters can be sent to me at  401 Russell Avenue, Apt. 713, Gaithersburg, MD  20877.   But please have the school address I can reply to, not the individual addresses of each student.


Posted on: June 1, 2017

mean dogs


Why are dogs mean and why do dogs go after each other do they hate each other what is it I need to know because then I will under stand why dogs are so mean to each other


Phyllis replied:

You must have had a bad experience with a dog.  All dogs aren’t mean.  It  mostly depends on the way they were treated, either by their present owner or something that happened to them before.  Some owners, even though they aren’t cruel to their dogs, teach them to be aggressive–doing a lot of swatting and trying to pull things out of their mouths and rough-housing with them, and not a lot of gentle talk and petting.  Keeping a dog chained will make him aggressive because he has to act mean, so that any dog running around free will be afraid to attack him.  Dogs that are treated well by their owners usually grow up to be gentle themselves, just like children.

Posted on: May 21, 2017

Shiloh books and movies


Hi I love your shiloh books/movies.


Phyllis replied:

I’m so glad you’re enjoying them both.


Posted on: May 19, 2017

I love Shiloh


Hi my class just finished Shiloh we wanted to know if you can come to  our school.  We really want to meet you and to see the beagle that looks just like shiloh. I want a beagle and my dad said that I am getting one this summer and i am going to name him Shiloh!!!


Phyllis replied:


There are sure a lot of dogs out there named Shiloh, because I hear about them all the time, and once in a while I even get to meet one!  The real dog that inspired the Shiloh books died in 2000 and is buried in the little community of Shiloh, West Virginia, with a stone marker above the grave.  I hope your new dog turns out to be just as wonderful as Marty’s Shiloh.

Posted on: May 19, 2017


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