Your Questions Answered

Do You Choose the Covers of Your Books?

Oh my Gosh I can’t believe how wonderful your alice books are! And when you say that most stuff never really happened you just made it up I am like WOW!
The movie I hav’nt seen it yet but the Alice movie does’nt look to good. Lester looks way to young Alice looks nothing like I imagined she was much prettier and she didn’t have pizzaz like I thought she should have! I was wondering do you choose the cover of your books like the newer covers she looks like twelve when shes really is 14 almost 15 in a book! In the grooming of alice she looks so young Elizabeth looked way way young! I like how the all look in my poster they all look exactly how I imagine mostly Elizabeth! I was also wondering is it the same girl every time because if it is then they can make her look way different! You are the best writer in the world if the weird thing is my friends all have posters of celebrities all over the walls but I have a poster of Alice and her friends an autographed picture of you and since I love to draw drawings! But I am not a nerd who hardly talks or anything. Everyone says I am so funny only a few pople dislike me. Were you ever like that?
Phyllis replied:
I have some say in the covers of my books, but  I believe you’re referring to the books of some years ago.  The most recent books don’t have characters on the covers, at least not very recognizable people.  The most recent thinking is that it’s best to leave it to the reader’s imagination.  As for the movie, Alice Upside Down, as I’ve said before, you really need to approach it as a movie in its own right.  It’s loosely based on The Agony of Alice, but the producer and director have the right to make their own version.  I agree that Lester seemed much younger in the movie than I imagined him, but he was still very funny, and I enjoyed the film.  I’m glad to know you have so many friends!  That’s great.  I think a lot of people liked me when I was your age, but I’m sure there were some who didn’t, or who simply didn’t share my own sense of humor.  That’s life.

Posted on: May 31, 2009

It Hurts Really Bad

It’s been a while since I’ve written you but don’t worry, I’m still a huge fan of your books. I hope you still take these emails, and I hope this is still the right address. But anyways I feel bad to have to greet you with a problem I’m having. I’m 17 and just went through my first real break-up. It hurts really badly. I mean I’ve had other experiences before and some non-serious relationships that didn’t last more than a couple weeks, but the guy I’ve been going out with is named —— and we’ve been together for 6 months until this Monday. He’s the first guy I’ve really been in love with and was actually committed to for more than a few weeks. It was going really well, he lives about a half-hour away but we’re in the same county and we’d hang out on weekends, like meet in a city halfway or I’d go to his house and vice versa. It seemed like we were really in love. He would always hold me and tell me that he wanted to be with me for several years, and all that stuff. I guess the fact that we broke up was because of the distance, and his mom is also very protective of him and I have a feeling that she was a big part of the break up. It was sort of a mutual break up I guess, but I really didn’t want it to end. He was assuring me that he still loved me and that it really was just the distance and such that was the problem, it wasn’t me, but then as we talked on the phone for the last time on Monday night he started saying random stupid things like “Well I don’t really know you well enough to be doing stuff with you” and “there’s a whole other side of me you don’t know, and another side to you i don’t know” which I know is something he’d never say, and I have a big feeling it came from his mom. It just hurts so much. I’m not going to contact him for a while and just give it time, and maybe in a month or so just send him a friendly email. I don’t want to appear desperate, but I’m just really scared that I might never see him or talk to him again and I don’t want that to happen, I’d hate to have someone in my life for 6 months and then not ever see him again. I’m really trying right now just to focus on my schoolwork, my new job coming up, and am trying to spend more time with my girlfriends. But I still think of him. My dad says not to worry that it might not be over forever, maybe we just need a break. He also says that —— feels the same way and is gonna miss me too. I hope he’s right but it’s so hard to believe him. I guess I don’t really need advice but just someone to vent to. Thanks.

Phyllis replied:

Oh, I know it hurts.  It does sound like the mom may be feeding him lines, and I think that your dad is correct–your guy is probably feeling pretty blue too, especially if those were more his mom’s feelings than his own. But parents do worry when they think their teenagers, even mature teenagers, are getting “too serious” with each other.  And they have a lot of right reasons, though they may have not-so-right ones also.  Mothers of boys worry about the possibility of pregnancy, and that their son might feel morally obligated to marry a girl because she’s carrying his child, when she either might not be the right one for him or that this is just not the right time in his life to be a father.  And even if you’ve given no suggestion that you’re about to be intimate, we all know how urgent passion can be.  Your plan to just let a month or so go by and then send a friendly email sounds good to me.  He may be worrying about how you’re taking this.  And I think it’s perfectly all right to tell him, at some point, that it’s hard to have someone in your life for 6 months and then face the possibility of never seeing him again.  I think that might be reassuring to him also, that you cared that much.

Posted on: May 28, 2009

Absolute Pleasure to Read Your Books!

I began reading your books when I was about eleven.  I am now seventeen… I think the same age as Alice will be in your new book! 
I hadn’t meant to, but I guess I lost track of your books after Including Alice.  School got to be busier, I started working, etc. etc.  I recently saw Patiently Alice on my bookshelf and reread it.  I realized how much I missed the books, and promptly ordered the last four that I’ve missed!  I guess you get letters like this a lot, but I still wanted to tell you what an absolute pleasure it’s been to read your books -all of them, not just Alice.  They’re always relatable, sweet, and funny. 
Phyllis replied:
Thanks so much for your email.  It’s always fun for me to hear from someone who got too busy to read the books for a while and then suddenly picked them up again.  You have a lot of catching up to do, and I wonder if you will feel that Alice has matured in the same way you have.  It’s different for different girls.  Look for “Intensely Alice,” due out in a week or so, and “Alice in Charge,” coming out next June.
Posted on: May 27, 2009

I Miss Her So Much!


so i have this huge problem. my best friend of nine years was really really mean to me, and so we stopped being friends. we don’t even go to the same school anymore, and i guess i should be glad that we’re not friends anymore. the problem is that i always find myself missing her a lot. even though she was really mean to me, we had so much fun sometimes. i totally miss going to her house and her nice family and everything. she probably misses me too, but it’s her that should say sorry, and i know she won’t. but i miss her sooooo much. what should i do?

Phyllis replied:

I think you need to ask yourself a few questions:  Was this “meanness” a one-time thing, or did she have a habit of using you as a door mat?   If it was getting to be a habit, do  you really want to subject yourself to that all over again?  If her treatment of you was mostly a one-time thing over a specific incident, is it possible there’s more than one interpretation of what happened?  Is it at all possible that she thinks YOU are the one who should apologize first?  If this is the case, and you really miss her, do you miss her enough to humble yourself and call or email her, even if it was her fault?  You are the only one who can decide whether her friendship is worth taking the risk, or whether you should use your time making new friends.

Posted on: May 24, 2009

Which Character I’d Like to Play


I’m an only child, a Catholic Christian, and I’m home-schooled.  I’ve been taking piano for a year and have already written three songs.  I love singing, but one of my absolute favorite things to do is to act.  I’ve been in a few plays already – I even played Maid Marian in Robin Hood.  Sometimes, more than acting, I enjoy writing.  I’ve completed a rough draft of a book and I’m working on the second book in the series.  In addition, I’m writing a screen play for a sequel to a movie I really liked – I just wanted it to continue, so I wrote it myself.  (It’s not an official sequel to the movie – at least not yet.)  I enjoy doing Irish Step and I have no experience playing baseball.  So, I guess since my real life is most like Caroline’s I suppose I’d want a challenge, perhaps I’d stick my nose in a book and be Beth (the Weirdo), or maybe I’d enjoy being a schemer like Edith Ann.  My mom say’s based on my closet and love of cookies – I’m actually most like Peter!  But what dost thou think?


Phyllis replied:

My guess is that you could play whomever you chose, though you’d have to learn baseball to play Eddie.  It’s wonderful to have so many hobbies and talents, and only time will tell what you eventually choose for a career.  I was at a dinner party once with five other couples, and we began talking about what career we’d prepared for in college.  And though some of us had actually gone into their chosen fields to start, every person there was now doing something entirely different.  Life has a way of surprising us.

Posted on: May 23, 2009

I Would Love to See Them On Screen!


I found this email address when looking for a way to contact you regarding the Boys vs. Girls Series.  Please know that I LOVE these books, (the one’s I’ve read anyway), and I would LOVE to see them on screen.  Can you tell me whether anyone is planning to make a movie out of the book series?  I think it would be a movie all the kids my age (12) would love to see.  I’m also going to email many productions companies and suggest they make a movie out of your series – and, if it’s okay with you – I won’t stop there! If necessary, I’ll get a petition started and distribute it to all of your fans, begging for the making of this movie.  Can you tell I really want to see this on screen?   My mother suggested a summer book club centered around your books – but I can’t wait that long to read them all!  Please let me know if it’s okay to continue with my plan to contact the studios and send around a petition.  Thank you for writing back to me. 


Phyllis replied:

Wow!  You seem to enjoy those books as much as I enjoyed writing them!  Of course it is all right for you to suggest to production companies that they make a movie from these books.  As far as I know, no company has contacted my agent about them.  They would probably make a fun series, and the actors and actresses would have a good time too.  Who would YOU be in the series?  The overly-dramatic Caroline would be my favorite. 

Posted on: May 22, 2009

Note From Phyllis

Hello, readers:

I’m experimenting with the new layout for my blog, and will try to insert a photo showing you where I write my Alice books.  A photographer had come to take some pictures for a magazine, but I didn’t know what angle he was going to use.  As you can see, I tried to hide an overflowing magazine rack behind my chair, but the photographer moved over to one side and shot the picture.  I didn’t even try to disguise the messy stack of papers beside my chair.  I write the first draft of a chapter out in longhand on a clipboard.  Then I immediately rewrite it, a little neater so I can still read it later.  After the whole manuscript has been written NaylorP©Gilbert0021twice in cursive, I type it up on the computer, then print it out and edit–type it up again, print it out and edit–perhaps three or four more times, until I feel it’s the best I can do.  Then I send it to my publisher.  The painting on the wall above the buffet is by the artist Marcy Ramsey, who does wonderful oil paintings, and has also illustrated many books, including my “Simply Sarah” series for younger children.

Posted on: May 22, 2009

It Seems Like She’s Ready to Fight


I have a problem with my bestfriend lately I have been tired of her! It’s like we fight way more now days. And it seems like shes ready to fight! But I don’t want to loose her as a bestfriend! It’s so confusing! We have been Bfs since kindergarten and no one has come between us I mean I ahve other friends to but not like her! Oh yeah I love your books! But anyway and I hate when we get seperated like in to different groups or when one of us is on Vacation people say pretend her name is —–aww —–‘s gone and feel bad for me! Even when they are joking I hate it! Please help me


Phyllis replied:

I’m just making a guess here, but perhaps this is what’s happening:  sometimes, when people realize it’s time to move on–like a person going away to college, who both wants to go and hates leaving his family, both at the same time–he sort of wants something to give him a little push–a little quarrel, perhaps, with his parents to help convince him that he’ll be happier away from home than to stay.  Maybe you and your friend both sense that you’re growing in different directions, and that it’s time to add new friends to your list.  Just because you’ve been best friends since kindergarten doesn’t mean that you are going to be alike for the rest of your lives.  When you’re together, the two of you seem to pick fights; when you’re apart, you miss each other.  Sounds familiar.  It will be painful, but start taking short breaks from each other.  Force yourself to do something or go some place with other girls and encourage her to do the same.  If you can carry this off now, even though you might find you end up closer than you were before, it will help you navigate through other relationships in the future.

Posted on: May 22, 2009

In Case We End Up Together?


I love your books. and i love your advice. A few weeks ago some kid in my grade had sexually harassed me. it was reported and took care of and everything but i might be going on a four day trip with the school and i am scared that he might also get accepted. I didn’t think about it until after i handed in my essay and everything. Is there any advise you can give me incase we end up going on the trip together? love your books. and i love your advice. A few weeks ago some kid in my grade had sexually harassed me. it was reported and took care of and everything but i might be going on a four day trip with the school and i am scared that he might also get accepted. I didn’t think about it until after i handed in my essay and everything. Is there any advise you can give me incase we end up going on the trip together?

Phyllis replied:

I don’t know the situation, but if the incident was reported and “taken care of,” I assume that this person was lectured? punished? etc. and is probably not going to repeat the offense?  If you have reason to believe he will attempt something else, you need to talk with your teachers about this.  But if, as I think you mean, it might simply be an uncomfortable situation–no real danger–I would assume a completely neutral attitude with this boy.  I would not pointedly ignore him so that it is obvious to everyone else, and either embarrasses or angers him, but I would give him very little attention and get into conversations with others when he is around.  And I would certainly stay with the group throughout the trip.

Posted on: May 22, 2009

Notes from Phyllis

Hello, readers:

I’m trying to understand this new format for the Alice website, so hope this message gets to the right place.  I’m now able to post your emails to me almost as soon as you send them (providing I’m on the computer just then), so hopefully my answers will get posted on the fan mail page within a day or two.  I’m heading to New York tomorrow, but will be taking a draft of Alice in Charge along on the train.  I seem to be able to work in a public place as long as no one interrupts me. 

My two granddaughters in Minneapolis are getting ready for graduation, one from high school, one from middle school;  Sophia is looking forward to college, Tressa is looking forward to high school.  In my New Jersey family, Garrett will entering first grade next year, Beckett will be having his third birthday.   So there will be a lot of changes in both families, and change is the one thing in life we can be sure of. 

I’d love to hear what YOU are looking forward to the most this summer!

Posted on: May 18, 2009


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