Your Questions Answered

Will She End up Ever Becoming a Christian?


I think the Alice series is an amazing series; it is one of my favorite series. I have read the whole series twice and I’ve just begun my third time reading them. I just finished reading your latest book “Intensely Alice” and I read it so fast.  When I got to the end I was saddened that there wasn’t more.  You are an amazing author; you bring me to a whole new world.  This book was really special to me because last November I had a friend that died.  He was only 15 (and so am I) and it really affected me and so many other people.  I could really relate to Alice and what she was going through.  I asked those same questions she did when my friend died.  I’ve been reading all the questions on the blog about people asking why ——– died ………  and I would like to say that I understand why you chose that character.  Sometimes it’s the people you would least expect to die and they make such a big impact on people after they die.   

 Also, I like that Alice is questioning her faith.  I’ve always wondered if she’ll end up ever becoming a Christian.  Was her mom a Christian?  Are Sylvia and Ben?  What about Patrick?  I have never quite figured it out.  Lastly, I was wondering how many more books you are going to write and if you are writing more, when the next one comes out.  I really hope you continue to write them for a long time because I know that I have learned so much from them and I don’t want you to stop writing them.  They make a huge impact on all the people that read them.  I wish you would write them until she gets married (hopefully to Patrick J ).  Haha.  Anyways, thank you for writing them and thank you for taking the time to read mine and other peoples emails and answer them!  Sorry this was so long!

 Phyllis replied:

Alice’s faith is such a personal matter that I think she sums it up best when she tells her father how she feels about religion.   The very last book in the series, that will come out in 2013 will, I think, answer all your questions about what happens to Alice after college.

Posted on: June 24, 2009

Totally Disagree


I totally disagree with the opinons of some of the people who commented on your latest book! I know that’s there opinion but seriously! I totally understand why you made that “character” die in the book! If you didnt that would just make the book so not real! I mean yes you were just bringing that character out more showing more about it and talking about it! (using it to make it anonymous) And for that character to die is what keeps us thrilled and on the edge of our seats! And if you would have made someone else die it just would have been soooo not… i cant think of a word to discribe but you just know! That book was truelly amazing and fasanating to me! by the way I saw one of my entrees on your site and I am sooo happy! Esp. cuz you named it yummilicious!

Phyllis replied:

I’m glad you understand, but I respect all viewpoints.  Some readers are more attached to some characters than others.  My interest in the character who died was the relatives, and the part they played.

Posted on: June 24, 2009

Could Not Have Been a More Appropriate Title

I just want to start by saying I have been reading alice books since the third
grade and I'm now a sophomore in college. I just finished reading Intensely
Alice and that could not have been a more appropriate title. I love to read and
I read this book in about 3 hour it was an extreme page turner. I just wanted to
thank you though because this book was in some way theraputic for me. In March I
lost my grandmother in a very unexpected way and in the past four years I didnt
really have a relationship with her, but short story she was car-jacked and
murdered and everyone, including myself always hear about those type of things
on the news, never thinking it could happen to you or someone you love but it
does. I was going through some of the same emotions Alice was going through when
she found out about her friend and although that death was different then what
happened to me, the emotions we felt were still the same so thank you for my
little mini-therapy session I cried my eyes out and I cannot wait for the next
Phyllis Replied:
I'm so terribly sorry about your grandmother.  That is a 
horrific thing to go through, and although it's "over" for her,
it's something you keep reliving again and again.  I'm grateful
 that "Intensely Alice" helped in some small way, and appreciate 
your writing to me.

Posted on: June 23, 2009

Feeling Very Sad

I was in bed finishing “Who Won the War” feeling very sad because I could not read any more of my absolute FAVORITE series.  Then I thought you could write more books!  Like the girls take a vacation to Buckman and want to stay or the boys move to Ohio or the girls rent the Benson house again or something.  I would really appreciate it if you would write more. 
Phyllis replied:
I know it’s sad when a favorite series ends, but there are SO many other books I want to write.   I’m glad you enjoyed these, however. 
Posted on: June 23, 2009

I Want a Different Partner

I need some help i’m doing this thing this summer and I am going with my bestfriend and I didn’treally expect to meet any new friends this summer but I did. Sometimes I rather hang with her then my bestfriend and my bestfriend always expects me to sit with her but sometimes I want to sit with my new friend or if we have partner up or something sometimes I want a different partner. Plus my friend does that to me all the time like on a random school day she says i’m going to hang with whoever today it makes me mad that she can do it and I can’t!! She says we can hang with other people to she says that and now that its vice versa that term doesn’t excist anymore!
Phyllis replied:
She has given you the perfect reason to sit with whomever you please, and now you need the backbone to do it.  When you choose to sit with  your new friend and she objects, say, “I just want to to hang out with Erin today, like you want to hang out with Tracy at school sometimes. ”  Variety helps make even old friendships stronger.

Posted on: June 21, 2009




Phyllis replied:

Sorry.  I know it’s sad, but I’ve known for some time this was coming.  Life is often like that, however…the person we least expect…..

Posted on: June 21, 2009


Wow, just wow. This latest Alice book has really left me waiting for another. In the past, I have found that a few of the Alice books have left me with the feeling, ‘So what?’, and not caring about what happens next. Not this book, for sure.
I absolutely loved reading about Alice’s visit to the University of Chicago. I agree with other readers in that the way you handled the physical aspect of Alice and Patrick’s relationship was the right way to go. On that note, I have a somewhat odd question. In that scene, you describe Alice as sitting on the bench with her legs on it, and leaning back to kiss Patrick. This I can imagine, but then….. Did Alice turn around?
One thing I disliked about the book was how sudden and short the part about the death was. ..I did not cry when I read that that character died. I know many readers did, but I didnt. I think that it is because we never really got to know the character deeply until this novel. I think that I might have shed a few tears if this character had died in a couple of books, but I understand that there are only so many books left.
My question to you is, why did you decide to have a character die in this novel? And, why did you choose this character? I don’t see this contributing much to a plot on a grand scheme of things, but I’m sure you have your reasons and that it contributes in future books.
Please reply, I’d love to have the answers to my questions and your opinions on what I’ve said. Thanks!

Phyllis replied:

I’ve omitted some of your email so as not to give too much away.   I think that most readers were affected by the grief of the other characters, Alice’s in particular.  I’ve known for some time that this was coming, because few of us get to adulthood without someone close to us dying.  This character was chosen because the grief of the relatives was so acute.  The mourning continues on into the next book.

As for your first question about Alice on the bench with Patrick, yes–as I said in the book–she turned around.


Posted on: June 21, 2009

I’m a Guy and Read the Entire Series


I want to preface my email by first saying I am a guy and read the entire series in less than a year while working, finishing college, and student teaching. I find them to be incredibly well written pieces of literature and, as a teacher, want to use them in my classroom. How I was hooked was that I worked in a library on the children’s floor and wanted to read a series that was long to kill time while sitting behind the desk waiting to help those who came by. How I found your series was through looking at the list of the most challenged books that includes works such as Where the Red Fern Grows, Harry Potter, and A Wrinkle in Time to mention only a few that come to mind. I was shocked and astonished as to how such great works of literature could be objectionable and even banned. I decided to go on a quest and read all of the books that I have not already read. I started with Jean Craighead George with her Julie Series since she had a book on our floor. Then came your book. I didn’t think I would like it seeing how it was clearly directed toward young women but I like to maintain an open mind and I saw it as a chance to understand young girls so that when I am a teacher I can react in a more understanding manner. I just wanted you to know the circumstances around how I was introduced to your works. that being said, I want to thank you for creating one of my all time favorite series, next to The Chronicle of Narnia Series, and I read your website and think you are a wonderful woman for being so caring, open minded, compassionate, and giving to your fans. I have never met, sort of, such a person who is so successful. Also, I did have an ulterior motive beside the accolades, I inspire to be a writer, hoping to squeeze it in during the summers between each school year, and I was curious as to your feelings as to the probability of this working. I enjoy writing poetry, have numerous ideas for novels but cannot ever finish them. I was also curious as to what you do if you are writing and it just isn’t going in the direction you intended it to go? I would also like a poster, I didn’t know you gave them out and would be honored to display an Alice poster in my room for all to see. I also think that it is inspiring to see that your success rate is less than 1% with your submissions to publication ratio strictly in regards to your novels. I will take that as encouragement to not give up with my writing.

Phyllis replied:

I feel honored that you read the whole series.  That you would go to this length to try to understand girl students better says a lot for your empathy as a future teacher.  Of course you can be both a writer and teacher, and having summers off is a plus that most people don’t enjoy.  I’m wondering why you don’t finish the novels you begin.  Two things that might help you:  Never begin writing a book until you are so excited about it it’s the first thing on your mind when you get up and the last thing before you go to sleep.  Second, make sure you know the ending of the novel before you begin, as well as the beginning, the climax, and most of the big things that are going to happen along the way.  All of your writing should be building up toward the climax.  I suggest reading my book, “The Craft of Writing the Novel.”  Best wishes to you and lots of luck!

Posted on: June 21, 2009

Do I Give Him a Little More Time?

hi, i was on your site and noticed how many other girls are asking you for your help, well i kinda need some ones opinion on my issue, i have asked all my friends but they all seem to change their minds on me.
i have known this guy for three years but hes like a year or more younger than i, the first time i met him i knew that i was gonna like him even more, we dated that year and it was amazing, hes a great guy, shortly after we broke up, (because of distance problems) he had sex with some girl, now three years later(weve been in contact and talking about getting back together over the past three years, and i have seen him alot) we want to get back together, and i care VERY deeply about him, now yeah im only 15, but its been three years and i still feel the same about him if not more, when i found out about him and this girl i broke, i asked him so many questions and he lost my trust(bc he still loved/liked me but i think he didnt care enough bc he did that), for now, some of my friends say give him another chance and some say hes not worth my time, i was wanting to know someone elses opinon on what i should do. do i get over him? or do i just give him a little more time/chance? now we talk every day and we still see each other and he says he really cares for me so much. i would really appreciate your help and honestly, thanks.
Phyllis replied:
Give him a little more time for….?  You say you lost his trust because you asked too many questions?   Hmmmm.  You say there are distance problems.  And because he’s sexually active, my guess is that sex may be a big part of his life right now.  Are you ready for this?  Especially with a guy who doesn’t like to be asked too many questions?  There’s nothing to say you two can’t be friends, but what is there about him that makes you trust him?  A lot of ifs here…..
Posted on: June 21, 2009

Do You Have Trouble with Time?

Im a huge fan of the alice books! i re-read up to seven books a week during the summer.  she seems like my best friend! do you have trouble with time while writing your books? because in 1985 she is 12 and in 2001 she is like 15.  is the books now based on the late 90s or right now? it must be sort of difficult. Anyway, you can count on me to make my child read the alice books when i grow up!  i cant imagine growing up without her… all the things i learned without a mom
Phyllis replied:
As a matter of fact, I do have trouble with time in my books, and must drive the copy-editor mad, because I may have only two weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  But remember that beginning with “Alice in Rapture, Sort Of,” I began writing three books for every year of Alice’s life.  So she was aging only a third as fast as you were.  Most Alice books cover from January to May or June, then the summer, and finally Sept. through December.  If I tried to put a whole year of her life into one book, and stop at age 18, the series would have been over by now, and I don’t think you would have liked that.  Lately I have been trying to use the calendar of whatever year the book will be printed in, and the setting is always contemporary–the way life is right now, for this particular girl, not every girl.
Posted on: June 21, 2009


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